Rebirth Year Eleven

Rebirth Era (Post-“Superman Reborn”) Chronology



———————-––the second feature to Harley Quinn Vol. 3 #18-19
———————-––the second feature to Harley Quinn Vol. 3 #22
Early to mid January. While others celebrate the New Year’s Eve Ball dropping, Joker and Harley Quinn rob a department store jewelry vault of its contents. Joker pauses to give Harley a new stolen fur coat as a gift. Later, Batman visits the crime scene and finds Harley’s old coat, which he shows to live TV news reporter Summer Gleason. At night, Joker and Harley watch the news and see the glaring evidence of their crime on display to the world. Not only that, but Harley has written their secret lair’s address on the label. Batman smashes through the window to arrest the duo, but they get away by siccing their pet hyenas (Bud and Lou) on Batman and then blowing up the building. A week or so later, Harley visits her pals, the Carpenter and March Harriet, who are in the middle of a hotel/spa robbery with their Wonderland Gang partners, Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Harley hires the Carpenter to fix up a new hideout for she and Joker. Across town, Commissioner Gordon meets with Bruce to tell him that a new Brazilian villainess called The Grison has stolen WayneTech R&D files. (The Grison is Gabriela Matias, former colleague of Harleen Quinzel and now currently one of Dr. Emile Dorian’s human-animal hybrid “creations.”) Joker, disguised as a cop, listens-in. Later, the Carpenter begins renovating an abandoned joke shop for Harley and Joker.

–REFERENCE: In DC’s Lex and the City #1 Part 5—originally told in Robin Vol. 2 #58. This item doesn’t directly deal with Batman, but he’d be in the know for sure. Tim breaks up with Ariana Dzerchenko and begins dating Stephanie Brown (Spoiler).

–FLASHBACK: From Detective Comics #1050—and referenced in Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular Part 2, DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 Part 1, Batman: Urban Legends #3 Part 2, the 2nd feature to Detective Comics #1055-1056, The Joker Vol. 2 #15, Batman: One Bad Day – Two-Face #1, GCPD: The Blue Wall #1, Poison Ivy #13, and the second feature to Detective Comics #1085. Originally told in “CATACLYSM,” “AFTERSHOCK,” and “NO MAN’S LAND.” Gotham suffers a devastating earthquake, prompting the Bat-Family into action. In the wake of the quake, Two-Face seemingly turns good, earning the trust of Renee Montoya, who partners with him to help provide aid to ruined neighborhoods. Meanwhile, the US government refuses to provide emergency assistance or federal aid to the beleaguered city, turning it into an official “No Man’s Land”—a veritable war zone rampant with extreme gang violence. Of course, this unconstitutional mess proves to be even more of a disaster than the natural one. During this fiasco, sectarian warfare breaks out, with rival gangs marking their territories with graffiti symbols. Batman and Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) begin spraying graffiti Bat-symbols as well, eventually taking control of several gang territories. Dr. Leslie Thompkins sets up a safe zone clinic in the center of the beleaguered ruins of the city. Poison Ivy takes over Robinson Park and does remote battle with the Batman and company only for the heroes to learn that she’s actually been captured and controlled by Clayface (Basil Karlo). The heroes defeat Clayface and rescue Poison Ivy, allowing her to stay in control of the park. Meanwhile, Penguin and Black Mask become a major overlords, running large portions of “No Man’s Land.” Mr. Freeze briefly controls the only section of Gotham that still has electricity—until Batman brings him down. Batman later appoints Oracle’s field agent, ten-year-old Cassie Cain as the new Batgirl! (The Joker Vol. 2 #11 tells us Cassie is still a teenager by 2021, which places her at this young age for her Batgirl debut.) Eventually, Black Mask loses his territory to Batman. Meanwhile, Two-Face turns evil again, kidnapping Renee Montoya, Renee’s brother Benny Montoya, and Commissioner Gordon, putting the latter on a mock trial. Batman and Renee rescue Commissioner Gordon and bust Two-Face in the process. Soon after, Huntress steps up her game and inserts herself in the middle of a conflict between Lieutenant Billy Pettit’s rogue GCPD gang and Joker’s gang (featuring Harley Quinn and dozens of Joker lookalikes). Batman and Nightwing intervene just in time to save Huntress’ life. The Caped Crusader gains a newfound respect for Huntress. Note that the original Modern Age “No Man’s Land” lasted well over a full calendar year, but that ain’t the case on the Rebirth Era timeline. There’s just no room for it. “No Man’s Land,” which continues on our timeline below, will only last for a couple months.

–the second feature to Detective Comics #1056
The “Shadows of the Bat: House of Gotham” arc continues here. Having joined up with Killer Croc, the teen that was orphaned by Joker back in Year One now leads a small but violent gang through the chaos of “No Man’s Land” Gotham. After brutalizing Penguin’s longtime henchman Gentoo, the orphaned teen’s gang visits Dr. Leslie Thompkins’ camp. Given a tip from his friend Sana, the orphaned teen meets with Helena Bertinelli, who says she can get him some food. However, it’s a setup, allowing Batman and Huntress to ambush the teen in Alleytown. Backed by his followers, the teen lectures Batman, telling him that he’s failed him ever since he was a child and that he (the teen) represents a new Gotham that is overcoming all odds in order to survive. Batman and Huntress stand down and depart, leaving the teen’s gang behind.

–FLASHBACK: From The Joker Vol. 2 #15—originally told in Batman: Harley Quinn. Joker and Harley Quinn make their sickening presence known in No Man’s Land. But, right away, Joker and Harley Quinn get in a fight and temporarily break up, leading to Poison Ivy assisting the latter. Eventually, Joker and Harley reconcile, besting Batman in combat. Joker and Harley evade capture on a motor boat.

–FLASHBACK: From The Joker Vol. 2 #9—and referenced in Batman Vol. 3 #106 and Poison Ivy #14. Originally told in the “NO MAN’S LAND” Conclusion. With things having gotten way too out of hand in Gotham, government authorities quickly renege on their “No Man’s Land” law, allowing major conglomerates (including LexCorp) to rebuild the city at metahuman sci-fi super-speed. Lex Luthor invites the shadiest disaster capitalist redevelopers—including mogul Peter Undine—to gentrify Gotham. Just as “No Man’s Land” officially ends, Joker kidnaps a bunch of babies, luring Sarah Essen-Gordon into a fatal trap. Joker murders Sarah before allowing himself to be arrested by Batman and a distraught Jim Gordon. Again, note that the original Modern Age “No Man’s Land” lasted well over a full calendar year, but the longest it can last on our contemporary timeline is only a couple months.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman: One Bad Day – Two-Face #1. This item occurs shortly after “No Man’s Land.” An escaped Two-Face holds one of his own henchmen hostage, prompting Commissioner Gordon, the GCPD (including Officer Christopher Nakano), and Batman to put up a cordon around him. Batman saves the henchman’s life and busts Two-Face.

–REFERENCE: In Action Comics #1064 and Superman Vol. 6 #13—originally told in Superman Y2K #1, Superman Vol. 2 #154, Adventures of Superman #576, and Action Comics #763. Brainiac takes over the planet’s computer systems, nuclear weapons, and robots, while simultaneously plunging the globe into darkness. In response, the superhero community springs into action. Superman, Lois Lane, and Luthor fight Brainiac directly. Batman, Robin, and Nightwing prevent further catastrophe in Gotham. Dozens of other heroes spread out across the world to conduct damage control. In Metropolis, Brainiac reboots into Brainiac 13, a version of himself from the distant future. (Brainiac 13 also sometimes is hyphenated i.e. “Brainiac-13.”) Eventually, Luthor gives up his only daughter (Lena Luthor) to Brainiac 13 in order to save the world. (Lena is the daughter of Lex and his now ex-wife Contessa Erica Alexandra Del Portenza.)

–FLASHBACK: From Batman vs Robin #5. Batman saves an unnamed person from falling (or stops them from committing suicide) from the top of a tall construction site.

–REFERENCE: In Young Justice Vol. 3 #5-6, Young Justice Vol. 3 #15, and Suicide Squad Vol. 7 #3. Originally told in Young Justice: The Secret #1JLA: World Without Grownups #1-2, and Young Justice #1-6. After the teenage super-villain Bedlam exiles all adults to an alternate reality, Robin assembles a bunch of teen superheroes to get them back. With the blessing of the Justice League, Robin officially forms a new teenage hero team called Young Justice. The team comprises Robin, new Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark), Superboy (Conner Kent) Impulse (Bart Allen), Arrowette (Cissie King-Jones), Secret, and Red Tornado (the team’s elder mentor). Young Justice makes the old Secret Sanctuary in Happy Harbor its primary HQ. One of their first missions is besting Despero (with some help from the JL). Young Justice will last about two years, but we’ll get to the end when we get to it.

–REFERENCE: In Flash Vol. 5 #21, Justice League Vol. 4 #1, and The Unexpected #2—originally told in “DC ONE MILLION.” The Justice Legion-A (the Justice League from the 853rd century) appears in the Watchtower to invite the JL to a ceremony that will see Superman (still alive in the 853rd century and godlike) awaken from a long hibernation inside the sun). (The JL-A comprises the 853rd century versions of Batman, Superman, Flash, Hourman, Starman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman.) But thanks to the scheming of Vandal Savage and Solaris, the JL gets trapped in the future while a nano-virus spreads across the entire present day Earth. With Batman stuck in the future, the Batman of the 853rd century teams-up with Nightwing, Robin, and Alfred to take down some bad guys, including Firefly (Garfield Lynns). Future Batman realizes the only way to stop Solaris in the future is to construct the evil AI now, which they do, saving the present day. In the 853rd century, Batman winds up on the prison (dwarf) planet of Pluto where he learns from Robin The Toy Wonder (a robot Robin) that this era’s Batman is warden. After the JL defeats a bunch of future villains, Solaris is tricked—thanks to the JL’s machinations in the past—into giving a Green Lantern power ring to the sun-emerging future Superman, who uses it to defeat Solaris for good. After the ceremony, our heroes return to present day. Future Hourman decides to live in the present day, joining the JL for a brief spell. Considered a nuisance by Batman, Hourman mostly interacts with other heroes, using his massive ornate Timeship to go on time-traveling adventures. At the end of his JL tenure, Hourman’s Timeship goes into the JL Trophy Room.

–REFERENCE: In Doomsday Clock #5-6—originally told in JLA #24-26. While the Justice League was pre-occupied with the events of “DC One Million,” Vandal Savage nuked an undefended Uruguay. Fearing something like this could happen again, the US Government creates its own military superhero team (comprised of international heroes) known as The Ultramarine Corps. The team consists of Vixen, the new Knight (former Squire Cyril Sheldrake), the new Squire (Beryl Hutchinson), Goraiko, Vixen, 4-D, Flow, Jack O’Lantern, Pulse 8, and Warmaker One. The Ultramarines team-up with the JL to defeat a rogue now-super-powered General Wade Eiling. Afterward, the Ultramarines are re-christened as The International Ultramarine Corps.

–REFERENCE: In Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #7, Justice League Incarnate #4, and Flashpoint Beyond #5—originally told in The Kingdom #1-2. Guided by Rip Hunter, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman team up with their elder counterparts from Earth-22, members of the Earth-22 Justice League (Earth-22 Batman, Earth-22 Superman, and Earth-22 Wonder Woman) to defeat the super-villain Earth-22 Gog, who has been gifted powers by an evil god also known as Gog. (This is the same evil god Gog that bestowed powers unto David Sikela, turning him into Earth-22 Magog in Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #22. He will later bestow powers unto Earth-0 versions of Gog and Magog as well. For clarity, there is the great evil god Gog, who created Earth-22 Magog and Earth-22 Gog, and who will later create Earth-0 Magog and Earth-0 Gog.)

–REFERENCE: In Nightwing Vol. 4 #68, Nightwing Vol. 4 #80, and Nightwing Vol. 4 #84—originally told in Nightwing Vol. 2 #28. Dick moves back to Blüdhaven. (He lived there briefly in college.) He rents an apartment with landlord Bridgette Clancy, quickly befriending her. In order to root out corruption from within the Blüdhaven Police Department (BPD), Dick enlists and begins training to be a cop. Soon after, BPD Lieutenant Dudley Soames gets his head twisted around 180 degrees by Blockbuster only to miraculously survive and become the gun-slinging super-villain known as Torque. Nightwing deals with Torque solo, but Batman monitors the situation and debriefs with Dick afterward. Note that, in the Modern Age, the Blockbuster that created Torque was Roland Desmond. However, in the Rebirth Era, Roland won’t become Blockbuster for a few more years (not until Nightwing Vol. 4 #22). Thus, Mark has to be the Blockbuster referenced here.

–REFERENCE: In Stargirl: Spring Break Special #1—originally told in JLA #28-31. 5th Dimensional djinn Lkz attacks the JL and JSA, who are aided by 5th Dimensional imp Qwsp and nine-year-old JJ Williams, a boy that harnesses the power of Yz to become Jakeem Thunder. Simultaneously, the JL defeats Triumph. The god-team known as The Quintessence (Izaya, Zeus, Hera, Ganthet, the wizard Shazam, the Spectre, and Phantom Stranger) watches from the shadows. Afterward, Jakeem Thunder joins the JSA (part-time, of course, since he’s so young).

–REFERENCE: In Batman: Prelude to the Wedding Part 2 – Nightwing vs Hush #1. Superman has long used a bunch of subservient Superman Robots—identical android copies of himself—to help preserve his secret ID and to work with him on special cases. Dominus, a Lord of Order that has rejected his life’s calling to embrace Chaos, telepathically forces the Man of Steel to activate all his Supermen Robots to police the globe with an iron fist. When the public turns on Superman, the Justice League exposes Dominus’ plot, frees Superman, and defeats Dominus. The Superman Robots go back into storage in the Fortress of Solitude. Superman will use them sparingly, moving forward.

–REFERENCE: In Teen Titans Vol. 6 #26, The Batman Who Laughs #6, Dial H for Hero #4, and Red Hood: The Hill #5. Batman builds and programs several Batman Robots to act as a sentry guards for the Batcave and for select JL properties. It’s likely these Batman Robots are based off of Superman’s Superman Robots. Batman builds other robotic heroes as well, including a Vibe Robot, Booster Gold Robot, Dr. Fate Robot, Fire Robot, Ice Robot, Black Canary Robot, Elongated Man Robot, Zatanna Robot, Firestorm Robot, Hawkgirl Robot, Flash Robot, John Stewart Robot, Guy Gardner Robot, Wonder Woman Robot, Martian Manhunter Robot, and Aquaman Robot. These robots, along with another Batman Robot and Superman Robot, will guard the old closed-up JL HQ in Detroit.

–REFERENCE: In Detective Comics #999. February—Bruce’s birthday. As he does every year on his birthday, Batman runs Program 2.1, placing himself into a virtual world that challenges him by pushing him to his most extreme limits.

–Harley Loves Joker #2
February. A month has passed since “Harley Loves Joker.” Joker and Harley Quinn are now all set up in their new pad, which has been fully renovated by the Carpenter. Joker, Harley, the Grison, and two henchmen rob a yacht using the Joker-boat. Batman chases the villains in the Batboat, but they escape when the Dark Knight prioritizes saving lives aboard the sinking yacht. After wrapping up with the yacht, Batman does his research on the Grison. Back at Joker and Harley’s hideout, the Grison plays a long con game, getting under Harley’s skin while simultaneously earning the admiration of Joker. Not long after, the Grison tells Joker of a fake WayneTech super-weapon that can manipulate human emotion. She convinces Joker that they should steal the weapon and use it to cause everyone in the city to laugh themselves to death. (Her plan is to double-cross Joker and kill him.) When Harley objects to the Grison’s plan, Joker and the Grison cut her out entirely. Jealous, Harley calls Wayne Manor and tells Alfred what is about to go down. Harley then decides to leave Joker, but changes her mind when she receives a secret message from her Puddin. Joker is sick of the Grison and has been also playing her. He’s going to use the laughing device on the city, but he’ll use it on her too. Harley swoons with joy. Harley then sees a hallucination of her single self in the future, disappointed at how she can never leave her abuser. At a WayneTech lab, the Grison turns on Joker and his henchmen as planned, but Harley, Bud, and Lou arrive just in time to save the Clown Prince of Crime. Everyone scatters as the cops arrive. Batman busts the Grison. Back at their lair, Joker and Harley are hassled by Detective Harvey Bullock. Harley tear-gasses him and takes off with Joker, remembering that the Carpenter said she’d blow up their place after a week if they didn’t pay her. Harley, Joker, and Bullock barely escape with their lives as the place blows up sky high.

–REFERENCE: In Doomsday Clock #6, Doomsday Clock #9, and Suicide Squad Vol. 7 #2—originally told in The LAW (Living Assault Weapons) #1-5. When the super-villain known as Avatar takes down the entire Justice League, the US Government forms a super-team known as The Living Assault Weapons (The LAW). The LAW is comprised of Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Nightshade, the Question (Vic Sage), Sargent Steel (aka Sarge Steel), Peacemaker II (Mitchell Blake), and Judomaster (Rip Jagger). The LAW rescues the JL and defeats Avatar, who is unmasked as Judomaster’s former sidekick Tiger.

–REFERENCE: In Nightwing Vol. 4 #22 and Teen Titans Vol. 6 #23—originally told in “JLAPE.” King Solovar, leader of Gorilla City, is assassinated by Gorilla Grodd and replaced by King Ulgo, secretly Grodd’s mind-controlled puppet. Ulgo temporarily turns the JL (sans Batman) into apes. After helping his team revert back to humans, Batman—along with Nightwing—defeats Gorilla Grimm and Lady Vic, who are running a Gotham smuggling operation that sells high-tech Gorilla City weapons on behalf of Grodd. Eventuaally, Ulgo shakes off Grodd’s control and helps the JL defeat Grodd.

–REFERENCE: In DC’s Beach Blanket Bad Guys Summer Special #1 Part 10—originally told in JLA: Earth 2. After meeting Alexander Luthor, the number one superhero of the Antimatter Earth aka Earth-3, the Justice League helps him fight their Earth-3 counterparts: the evil Crime Syndicate of Amerika (dictator Ultraman, his cuckolding partner Superwoman, drug-addicted Johnny Quick, Batman’s counterpart Owlman), and Hal Jordan’s counterpart Power Ring. (Power Ring’s cosmic ring contains a sliver of “First Lantern” Volthoom’s soul, making the ring itself a sort of evil sentient Volthoom entity.) After fighting to a stalemate on both Earth-0 and Earth-3, the two teams reluctantly join forces to defeat Brainiac.

–REFERENCE: In The Green Lantern #5—originally told in “DAY OF JUDGMENT.” A host-less Spectre bonds to Asmodel, who uses divine power to release hordes of demons upon the Earth. After the heroes defeat the zombie demons, the Sentinels of Magic (Phantom Stranger, Dr. Occult, Madame Xanadu, Ragman, Zatanna, Sebastian Faust, Deadman, Enchantress, and Blue Devil) separate the Spectre from Asmodel, moving God’s wrath to his new host: the ghost of Hal Jordan! The Guardians of the Universe secretly take Hal’s corpse to Oa for safekeeping. Notably, the demon Satanus replaces Neron as the new King of Hell.

–DC: Love is a Battlefield #1 Part 8
When deadly alien plant monsters invade Earth, releasing spore dust that causes people to become completely uninhibited and honest, the Justice League is on the case but spread thin. Batman sends Nightwing to Key West, Florida to deal with some of the alien plants. As luck would have it, Nightwing is forced to team up with Starfire. Awkwardness immediately ensues as Nightwing and Starfire broke up not long ago, and they haven’t had any closure. As they fight the plants, they get dosed with more and more spore dust, which pushes them to have an open (and pointed) conversation about the deterioration of their relationship. After hashing it out and defeating a mother plant, Nightwing and Starfire find mutual respect for each other’s decisions. With this newfound connection, the exes nearly succumb to the temptation of a kiss, but they ultimately go their separate ways.

–REFERENCE: In Titans Vol. 3 Annual #1, Justice League of America Vol. 5 #21, Justice League Vol. 4 #1Wonder Woman Vol. 5 #52, The Green Lantern #3, and Absolute Power #3—originally told in JLA #36-41 (“WORLD WAR III”). Aztek becomes the newest member of the Justice League. Lex Luthor forms the latest incarnation of the Injustice Gang, which features himself, Prometheus, General Wade Eiling, and Queen Bee (Zazzala). Batman defeats Prometheus in one-on-one combat. The Dark Knight then joins the JL to ward off the threat of that planet-sized cosmic being known as Mageddon. After Aztek is killed by Mageddon, all the superheroes join together—along with angels that come down from the Heavens—to stand against the cosmic monster. Using Amazonian tech, Animal Man assembles a gigantic Purple Ray that temporarily endows every single human being on Earth with metahuman powers, thus allowing all of humanity to save itself. Thousands die, but billions are saved. As usual, Luthor is able to distance himself from any illegalities following this affair. Afterward, the JL mourns the loss of Aztek and places his helmet on display in their trophy room/armory.

–REFERENCE: In Stargirl: Spring Break Special #1. The latest incarnation of the Justice Society of America (JSA) forms. Membership includes Jay Garrick, Alan Ladd-Scott, Hawkman, Jakeem Thunder, Yz, new Crimson Avenger (Jill Carlyle), Atom Smasher (former Nuklon, Albert Rothstein), Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt), new Dr. Fate (former Silver Scarab, Hector Hall), six-year-old Star-Spangled Kid (Courtney Whitmore), and STRIPE (Pat Dugan). Originally, in the Modern Age, a few more folks were a part of this team, but it’s unclear whether they joined right away in current continuity. And yes, Courtney must be that young. She is still in high school come 2023.

–REFERENCE: In Justice League Dark Vol. 2 #1 and Batman Vol. 3 Annual #4. Originally told in JLA: A League of One. A medieval dragon called Drakul Karfang is revived, immediately beginning a reign of terror all over Europe. The Justice League defeats Drakul Karfang and keeps his skeleton as a trophy.

–REFERENCE: In Nightwing Vol. 4 #30—originally told in Batman #579. Batman defeats the mutated human-whale hybrid called Orca.

–REFERENCE: In Stargirl: The Lost Children #1 and DC’s Legion of Bloom #1 Part 8—originally told in Young Justice: Sins of Youth. Contessa Erica Alexandra Del Portenza, ex-wife of Lex Luthor and current head of both the covert organization known as The Agenda and the super-villain team known as The Point Men (Gray Lady, Serpenteen, Blockade, Short Cut, Blank Slate, and Groundswell), hires Klarion Bleak aka Klarion the Witch Boy (and his feline familiar Teekl) to age all of the young superheroes to adulthood and de-age the adult superheroes to adolescence. The members of the JLA and JSA—including new additions Starman (Jack Knight), Dr. Mid-Nite (Pieter Cross), Hawkgirl, 853rd century Hourman, Sand (former teen sidekick Sandy Hawkins), Wildcat (Ted Grant), and Black Canary—all become little kids, whereas all of Young Justice—including newest member Empress—become adults! (JSA member Star-Spangled Kid, already being a kid, turns into an adult.) The Agenda, the Point Men, and Klarion battle the mixed-up heroes, who are assisted by Senator Neptune Perkins and Old Justice—a team comprised of elderly former Golden Age sidekicks, including Merry the Girl of 1000 Gimmicks, Dan the Dyna-MiteThe Cyclones (Dinky Jibbet and Sisty Jibbet), Doiby Dickles, and Second Sweep. Eventually, the Contessa sees the error of her ways and clones an adult version of Klarion, who reverses the aging spell.

–REFERENCE: In Flash Vol. 5 #21 and Doomsday Clock #5—originally told in Batgirl Annual #1 and JLA Annual #4 (“PLANET DC”). Batman travels to India to team-up with India’s very own superhero, Aruna Shende, against Mister Lahiri. Batman then joins the Justice League in Turkey, teaming with the Muslim superhero known as The Janissary (who wields Merlin‘s Eternity Book) against Right Wing militiamen. (Merlin is the immortal wizard Merlin Ambrosius aka Merlin the Magician of King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table fame. He also sometimes goes by “Adam One.”)

–FLASHBACK: From Batman: The Detective #2-3 and Batman: The Detective #5—and referenced in Batman: The Detective #2 and Batman: The Detective #6. The date is conjectural, but occurs specifically ten years prior to the main action of Batman: The Detective #1. Batman travels to Liverpool, England to work a smuggling case with Knight and Squire. When the smugglers are backed into a corner, they blow up a warehouse. Batman saves the life of an accountant named John Gallagher. The main smuggler, Nikita Eluko, goes to jail. A few days later, Batman teams up with his old mentor Henri Ducard to save London from villains with a nuclear bomb. During the mission, Batman is badly injured. Ducard takes the Dark Knight to the Deep Underground super-hospital beneath Picadilly Circus where the “mystery doctors” fix him up. Back to good health, Batman shows his gratitude to Ducard by promptly turning him into the law for his many past crimes and misdemeanors. While not shown on our timeline ahead, Batman will visit the mystery doctors to get patched up from time-to-time. Following this British adventure, Batman maps out all the various ways that cities across the globe can be targeted for destruction, planning defenses for each scenario.

–REFERENCE: In Batgirl Vol. 6 #1—originally told in Batgirl #3-6. Batman and Batgirl save a kidnapped child with ties to Batgirl’s father David Cain. Later, a metahuman named Jeffers uses psychic powers to give Batgirl the ability of speech. However, this causes her fighting ability to dramatically suffer, resulting in a bad loss to a newcomer called Ezra. After reviewing awful video of young Cassie committing murders on behalf of David Cain, Batman creates a new training regimen for his protégé. After a series of sparring sessions with Batgirl, Batman pays David Cain a visit and kicks his ass. Soon after, Batgirl continues her re-training with her mom, Lady Shiva. While we won’t see it specifically on our timeline ahead, Batgirl will continue training with Batman on-and-off. Batgirl will also learn to speak better over time, although she will still remain quite reticent when it comes to using her voice.

–FLASHBACK: From Shadow War: Alpha #1—and referenced in Challenge of the Super Sons #9, Batman Vol. 3 #127, and Superman: Kal-El Returns Special #1 Part 4. Originally told in “TOWER OF BABEL.” Ra’s al Ghul and Talia steal some of Batman’s anti-Justice League contingency plans, using them to neutralize the JL. Ra’s al Ghul then activates a device that spreads a wave of dyslexia over the planet, rendering the neural center of the human mind incapable of comprehending written language. The JL regroups and defeats Ra’s al Ghul, shutting down his machine. Having become painfully aware of Batman’s anti-JL contingencies, the JL loses trust in their comrade and votes him off the team. Before the voting can even end, Batman quits and storms off.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman Vol. 3 #127. Immediately following “Tower of Babel,” Superman meets with Batman to discuss his departure/firing from the Justice League. They argue about the anti-JL contingency files, to which Batman says his only mistake was not keeping them more protected. Superman demands to know what the contingency is against Batman, to which Batman says that the JL itself is a contingency against him. But really, it’s just lip service.

–REFERENCE: In Robin Vol. 3 #1—originally told in Nightwing Vol. 2 #47. In Blüdhaven, Batman monitors Nightwing as he takes down his evil double Nite-Wing (Tad Ryderstad).

–REFERENCE: In Action Comics #1082—originally told in “EMPEROR JOKER.” Joker is able to steal Mr. Mxyzptlk’s powers and make himself “emperor of all reality.” Emperor Joker reshapes the universe in his image and creates new metahumans, including the fire-controlling femme fatale Scorch. After unspeakable chaos and murder (including the repeated murder and resurrection of Batman) by Emperor Joker, Mxyzptlk is able to give some 5th Dimensional magick to Superman, allowing the Man of Steel to challenge Joker’s rule. When force fails, Superman uses psychology on Joker, making him realizing that he needs Batman in his life. Mxyzptlk is then able to steal back all his power. He, along with Superman and the Spectre, are able to return space and time to status quo.

–REFERENCE: In All-Star Batman #10Nightwing Vol. 4 #29, and Dog Days of Summer #1 Part 2—originally told in Arkham Asylum: Living Hell. Crook Warren White is sentenced to Arkham Asylum where he is immediately tortured by nearly every single one of his fellow inmates (sans the benevolent but creepy Humpty Dumpty). Shortly thereafter, a full-scale prison riot occurs, during which demons and zombies are unleashed. Amid the chaos, Arkham’s chief of security Aaron Cash loses a hand courtesy of Killer Croc. Meanwhile, thanks to the brutality of the sadistic mimic known only as Jane Doe, White turns into The Great White Shark. He will eventually go on to become one of Batman’s wiliest rogues. Cash, Jeremiah Arkham, Jason Blood/Etrigan, and the Great White Shark team-up to defeat the supernatural threats and quell the riot. Batman arrives to clean-up the mess and secure the area.

–REFERENCE: In Justice League of America Vol. 5 #22 and Superman Vol. 6 #17—originally told in JLA #47-49. Tsaritsa (aka “The Queen of Fables”) transforms all of New York City into a gigantic enchanted forest filled with monsters. Meanwhile, fairytale characters from books and TV begin coming to life all over the world. The Justice League (along with Batman) visits the Immateria dimension where they learn a shocking truth: Tsaritsa is The Evil Queen from Snow White, which is a true historical story! The factual existence of both Tsaritsa and Snow White was magickally erased and they were turned into fictional fairy tale characters long ago. Eventually, the JL (with Batman) defeats the returning Tsaritsa by trapping her in a US tax code manual. She then gets “cast beyond the mirror,” winding up trapped in another dimension.

–REFERENCE: In DC: The Doomed and The Damned #1 Part 1 and Batman Vol. 3 #127—originally told in JLA #50-54. The Id, a weapon created by the 6th Dimensional race known as the Cathexis, causes the Justice League members (and Batman) to split from their secret ID alter egos, thus creating non-powered doppelgängers for each hero. At first excited by this idea, the heroes quickly realize they need their alternate personalities to balance their lives and to make their vigilante personas effective. Eventually, the heroes defeat the Id and the Cathexis. Batman officially rejoins the JL. (NOTE: Superstring theory states that the 6th Dimension—home of the Cathexis—is a plane in which one can view possible worlds, comparing and positioning all the possible universes. Scott Snyder refers to it as the “hypothetical dimension.”)

–FLASHBACK: From Detective Comics #1027 Part 3. May. An escaped Joker celebrates Batman’s fake birthday by donning a haz-mat suit and spraying poison everywhere. Batman busts Joker.

–REFERENCE: In Detective Comics #969, Deathstroke Vol. 4 #30, Batman: The Brave and The Bold Vol. 2 #15 Part 3, Batman: The Brave and The Bold Vol. 2 #16 Part 3, and Batman: The Brave and The Bold Vol. 2 #17 Part 3—originally told in “OFFICER DOWN.” Commissioner Gordon is shot by gangster-posing-as-cop Jordan Reynolds aka Jordan Rich. While Gordon is in the hospital, the Bat-Family works the case. Batman, willfully ignorant due to his personal connection to the case, argues with Alfred over how to proceed. Things get so heated that Alfred quits! Later, the Bat-Family busts Rich. Afterward, Gordon’s injuries are severe enough that he decides to step down as commissioner. Michael Akins (formerly a GCPD Chief) replaces him as the new commissioner! Akins meets with Batman and they don’t exactly hit it off. Despite not getting along with the Bat-Family, Akins will reluctantly use the Bat-Signal from time to time, moving forward. When attorneys botch Rich’s case, Gordon’s would-be killer goes free. Renee Montoya nearly kills Rich, but Harvey Bullock stops her. Soon after, Bullock points Rich’s old gangster pals in his direction, knowing they will kill him. Rich is seemingly executed by the a mob, but he actually survives and secretly goes on the lam.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman: The Brave and The Bold Vol. 2 #2 Part 4—originally told in Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood #1-6. Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) is framed for murder by Santo Cassamento (her biological father), prompting her to fight Batman and Nightwing. Eventually, Huntress clears her name and outs Cassamento as the murderer. Note that this flashback comes from a single panel that is nearly indecipherable, showing Batman fighting a woman with diamonds over her eyes. Is this a reference to Cry for Blood? Is this even supposed to be Huntress? It’s definitely unclear, but this seems like the closest thing (and other site contributors agree), hence insertion of this item here on our chronology.

–REFERENCE: In Nightwing Vol. 4 #68—originally told in Batman: Gotham Knights #14. Batman checks-in on Nightwing, who goes on a mission to retrieve some stolen charity money from the lissom Double Dare, a pair of acrobatic French super-villain sisters Aliki Marceau and Margot Marceau. Penguin had originally stolen the loot, only to have it stolen by Double Dare.

–REFERENCE: In Detective Comics #989. Batman takes on assassin extraordinaire Philo Zeiss.

–REFERENCE: In Justice Society of America Vol. 4 #8—originally told in Starman Vol. 2 #73. The Mist and his daughter The Mist II (Nash) murder original Starman (Ted Knight) and Opal City Police (OCP) Officers Barry O’Dare and Matt O’Dare. A funeral is attended by the JL, the JSA, Starman (Jack Knight), new Phantom Lady (Delilah “Dee” Tyler), original Phantom Lady (Sandra Knight), Sadie Falk, Hamilton Drew, and OCP Commissioner Clarence O’Dare. In the Modern Age, shortly before this item, Nash and Jack Knight had a baby together. Nash was also originally killed during this item. However, Nash and Jack’s baby (Kyle Knight) won’t be born for another nine years, so this means that Nash must either survive this event or get resurrected later.

–REFERENCE: In Doomsday Clock #2. Bruce has his annual Wayne Enterprises psych exam, during which he constantly lies to pass with flying colors.

–REFERENCE: In Flash Vol. 5 #21. Following the events of the original Crisis a couple years ago, superhero cum cosmic historian Harbinger recorded the “History of the DC Universe” and stored the information in a small satellite. Harbinger soon became accepted into the Amazonian tribe on Themyscira, at which time the updated “History of the DC Universe” recording was transferred into the mystical Universe Orb. Cut to now. The Universe Orb is moved to the Justice League Trophy Room, likely given to the JL for safekeeping by Wonder Woman.

–REFERENCE: In Nightwing Vol. 4 #22. Batman and Nightwing go undercover as biker gang members to bust street racing super-villain Thrill Devil.

–REFERENCE: In Plastic Man Vol. 5 #3. The Justice League fights time-traveling super-villain Per Degaton.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman Vol. 3 #50. Catwoman drives Batman on the Bat-cycle.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman Giant #2, Catwoman Vol. 5 #17 and Batman: Black and White Vol. 5 #1 Part 2—and referenced in Detective Comics #987. Batman flirts with Catwoman, as he always does, playfully chasing her across the rainswept rooftops of Gotham. When he “catches her,” they kiss. I’ve taken the liberty of combining the above generic Bat-Cat images: one from the ‘tec #897 reference, one from the Batman Giant #2 flashback, one from the Batman: Black and White Vol. 5 #1 Part 2 flashback, and two separate flashbacks from Catwoman Vol. 5 #17.

–FLASHBACK: From Catwoman Vol. 5 #46. Batman and Catwoman team up, pausing only to make out on a rooftop before busting Mr. Freeze and his henchmen. Catwoman confiscates stolen loot.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman: Three Jokers #3. Bruce travels to Comoedia, Alaska to spy on Joker’s ex-wife (Jeannie) and child (Jeremy), who is drawn to be around ten-years-old, hence the reason this scene is listed as a flashback here and now on our timeline. Don’t forget, Batman will sporadically check-up on mother and son, moving forward.

–FLASHBACK: From Detective Comics #1000 Part 11. Batman fights the team-up of Catwoman and Poison Ivy.

–Batman: Black and White Vol. 5 #2 Part 4
This is a weird one, strange enough that it’s very possible that it’s non-canon, but here goes anyhow! A creepy pale white Batman doppelgänger aptly known as The White Bat appears out of the ether, complete with a stark white Batplane. For six days straight, the White Bat commits heinous homicidal atrocities all over Gotham, eventually leaving an old Wayne Company business card etched with the name “Ewan Bryce” at the scene of one of his crimes. Alfred investigates, learning that Ewan Bryce has been added to all of Bruce’s bank accounts. The White Bat then radios Batman, calling him Bruce and addressing him familiarly. During an air battle, the White Bat shoots out Batman’s Batplane engine, which causes his own Batplane engine to flame out as well. Batman tails the White Bat to an immense floating Batcave in the sky where the latter crashes to his demise. Upon close examination of the corpse, Batman sees that the White Bat is his exact duplicate beneath the cape and cowl. Batman then enters the deepest chamber of the floating Batcave to discover a warped version of his own Batcave, complete with a Pterodactyl, oversized Illuminati coin, and demonic-looking Bat-computer. The Dark Knight is stunned to espy ghoulish pallid versions of his mother and father, who welcome him “home.” The story ends there, so we are left in the dark as to how this situation is resolved. Nor do we learn the identity or origin of these mysterious white doubles. Were they from an alternate Earth? Was this all a dream or hallucination? Who knows. The story is narrated via what appears to be a journal entry, so it’s likely that Batman fittingly jots this one down in the Black Casebook.

–Batman Secret Files #2 Part 2
Batman learns that Psycho-Pirate has brainwashed a bunch of people and started a cult upstate. The Dark Knight disguises himself as a member of the group, infiltrates a meeting, and confronts Psycho-Pirate. On cue, Alfred remote drops a large smoke-discharging missile (likely from one of the many aerial Bat-vehicles or Bat-drones) onto Psycho-Pirate’s compound, allowing Batman to switch into his fighting gear. Batman fights off the power of Psycho-Pirate’s Medusa Mask and busts him, freeing his followers of the villain’s influence.

–FLASHBACK: From Detective Comics #1027 Part 4. From his Bat-computer, Batman begins reviewing the latest batch of GCPD rookie recruits, including Lynn Baker, who seems have integrity and potential—things that most Gotham cops sorely lack. Batman begins secretly keeping tabs on Officer Baker. He will do so for months to come.

–REFERENCE: In Detective Comics #960. While battling the League of Assassins, Batman discovers a great conspiracy, a secret war that has impacted global politics and socio-economic conditions at the highest levels imaginable for hundreds of years. Batman comes face-to-face with The League of Shadows—an elite group within the League of Assassins that wields greater power and poses as a greater threat. The League of Shadows, consisting of an army of sleeper cells hiding in plain sight, has been secretly responsible for the largest acts of terror in human history. Ra’s al Ghul and the League of Shadows capture Batman and wipe his mind of all knowledge of the organization via magickal means.

–REFERENCE: In Batman Secret Files #3 Part 1. Bruce approves heartily as a contemporary of his, millionaire philanthropist Karl Fogle, purchases a gentrifying neighborhood and obtains landmark status for it just so that its low-income residents won’t get pushed out. Kudos to Fogle, a true superhero.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 3 #1—and referenced in Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 3 #2-3 and Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 3 #17. Batman shuts down The Ark Program, a consortium of evil billionaires that kidnap poor people to experiment on them in the hopes of creating their own superhuman. Batman burns down the Ark Program’s lab, but the architects of the sinister experiment execute nearly all of their subjects. Batman is only able to save a few people, including the Ramos family and someone named Ishmael. Ishmael goes missing, but Bruce and Lucius Fox set up the Ramos family with a house in California and a new lease on life. However, tragically, Ana Ramos dies due to complications from the Ark experiments. Gabriel Ramos is left to raise his young daughter Sofia Ramos, who has healing powers, all by himself. With dad’s permission, Batman implants a surgical tracking implant inside of Sofia’s body. Gabriel tells Batman all about his daughter. Batman will keep tabs on the Ramoses this way, moving forward. He promises the Ramoses they will always be safe from harm. The Dark Knight also meets a former Markovian arms dealer named Kaliber, whom he tasks with acting as the Ramoses guardian angel protector (from a distance).

–Batman Secret Files #2 Part 5
Batman chases after a fugitive Bane, following him to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. There, Batman learns that Bane is stalking AN6, a brutal Latin American cartel, which has kidnapped famous muckraking journalist Daniel Chirinos. Batman studies up on Chirinos’ work, finding that he visited the prison where Bane grew up while Bane was living there as a teen. By the time Batman finds the AN6 lair, Bane has already torched the place, which is strewn with dead AN6 members and a dead Chirinos. Batman will never know, but Bane once gave a deeply personal interview to Chirinos and has now silenced him in an effort to prevent the interview from ever going public.

–FLASHBACK: From Nightwing/Magilla Gorilla #1. Nightwing gets in a heated argument with Batman. It is unknown what their fight is about.

–REFERENCE: In Detective Comics #965 and Batman/Superman Vol. 2 #2. Batman and Robin decipher some Kryptonian coding theory and, in the process, learn a bit more about advanced Kryptonian computer technology. They also begin teaching themselves how to read and speak the Kryptonian verbal language, which is sometimes called Kryptonese.

–REFERENCE: In Action Comics #1001. Batman defeats a forgettable small-time criminal, who, as a result of the encounter, develops a rare skin condition that requires painful ongoing treatment to extend his life. Undergoing a radical transformation, the loser becomes the powerful super-villain Terminus.

–REFERENCE: In All-Star Batman #14. By this point in Batman’s career, his public repute as being unbeatable and prepared for anything has been cemented. This is so much the case that he and Alfred begin hearing the saying, “Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman,” which enters the lexicon as a popular American aphorism.

–REFERENCE: In Batman Vol. 3 #43. Batman invents and adds a machine that can dress him in his Bat-costume while he is driving the Batmobile. This amazing device, along with numerous spare costumes, goes into each Batmobile. Talk about getting changed on the go!

–REFERENCE: In Detective Comics #1000 Part 5 and Detective Comics #1000 Part 10. September 21. Batman, as he does every year on the anniversary of his parents’ murders, visits both Crime Alley (where his parents were killed) and the cemetery where his parents are buried.

–REFERENCE: In Trinity Vol. 2 Annual #1 and Detective Comics #1092. Bruce gets into the restaurant business, heading what will become Gotham’s most expensive Michelin-star rated eatery. We are not told whether Bruce buys a pre-existing restaurant or starts this one up from square one. Either is a possibility. It’s also possible that Bruce purchases multiple restaurants. We know definitively that he purchases the acclaimed Lucas Reese Steakhouse.

–REFERENCE: In Dark Days: The Forge #1. Mr. Terrific begins living part-time on Earth-2, moving freely through the Bleed from Earth-1, back and forth. Batman is made aware of this fact.

–REFERENCE: In Dark Days: The Forge #1 and Green Arrow Vol. 6 #32. As part of his secret investigation into the dangerous “dark energy” signature, Batman begins a global search for the mystery metal linked to it. Bruce and Lucius Fox set up fourteen Wayne Enterprises “Black Sites,” secret science facilities whose sole purpose is to mine-for and study any geological anomalies linked to the strange metal. (We aren’t told about where the “Black Sites” are located, except for #14, which is a science drilling rig on a volcanic island in the Bermuda Triangle.) At site #14, Dr. Madison leads a team of scientists to study metals in the Earth’s core. Since several of the “Black Sites” involve magma and deep underground drilling, Batman builds a brand new lava-proof mech suit that he can use to travel deep under the Earth’s surface (and to use in case of emergency). Via his secret drilling operations, Batman finds some evidence that the “dark energy” could be linked to an unknown region beyond the known multiverse. Fearing that the very existence of this “dark energy” metal could be dangerous to all life on the planet, the Caped Crusader consults the smartest man he knows, Mr. Terrific, to assist on research at the “Black Sites.” Since Batman knows Mr. Terrific lives part-time on Earth-2, Batman asks him to run similar geological tests there. In doing so, Mr. Terrific finds a cosmic frequency that exists in the Bleed that is similar to the “dark energy” signature. Batman (as both Batman and Bruce Wayne) will monitor his Black Sites and sporadically consult with Mr. Terrific for years to come.

–REFERENCE: In Superman and The Authority #4—originally told in JLA/Haven: Arrival #1 and JLA/Haven Anathema #1. A bunch of wrongly-imprisoned aliens from the planet Competalia turn their gulag into a giant spaceship called Haven, crashing it into Lamont, California. The world is introduced to the Competalian superhero team known as The Alliance, which includes members ValadinKataliaSiv, and Nia. The Justice League teams-up with the Alliance to defeat the Competalian dictator known as Anathema. Afterward, Haven is made an official US city.

–REFERENCE: In Catwoman Vol. 5 #59—originally told in Catwoman Vol. 2 #94. Catwoman fools the public at large into doubting that Selina Kyle is her real identity. As Batman chats with Catwoman, Deathstroke attacks, stabbing Catwoman. As Deathstroke fights Batman and Catwoman, he causes a large explosion. Barely surviving the blast, Catwoman goes into hiding abroad, letting the world think that she has died.

–REFERENCE: In Action Comics Special #1 Part 2 and Action Comics #1004. November 6. Lex Luthor wins the 2012 Presidential election, defeating incumbent Barack Obama. Obama, as Mark Russell hints in Action Comics Special #1 Part 2 (and as mentioned above), likely loses in part due to damning scandal surrounding drone strike statistic leaks in early 2011.[1]

–REFERENCE: In Supergirl Vol. 7 #15-16, The Green Lantern #3, and Superman Vol. 6 #13—originally told in “OUR WORLDS AT WAR.” Imperiex Prime, a cosmic destroyer from the future, who has already annihilated several other planets, attacks Earth. In the so-called “Imperiex War,” the FBI and DEO—led by Mr. Bones and top agent Cameron Chase—join forces with dozens of superheroes to deal with the threat of Imperiex and his army of Imperiex Probes. After Imperiex unleashes a sentient virus upon the ranks of the heroes, Nightwing and Oracle travel through time to stop it at its source. Eventually, President-Elect Lex Luthor plays hero by controlling Doomsday and teaming-up the monster with the heroes—including Strange Visitor (basically a female version of Superman Blue, who is the cosmic protector of the universe Kismet mashed-up with the spirit of the deceased Sharon Vance) and Lex’s own Brainiac-tech-infused daughter Lena Luthor. Darkseid, realizing the seriousness of the Imperiex threat, also plays hero. With Doomsday and Darkseid on their side, the heroes defeat the combined threat of Imperiex and Brainiac 13. Afterward, Lena goes back into Lex’s care. Despite victory, hundreds of thousands have perished, including Maxima. Mongul’s evil daughter Mongal becomes the new dictator of Almerac, replacing Maxima (who had been queen). Also, thanks to a desultory protection spell cast by Tempest (former Aqualad Garth), the entirety of Atlantis (along with Aquaman and Mera and their people) gets transported to 3000 years in the past.

–REFERENCE: In DC: The Doomed and The Damned #1 Part 1—originally told in JLA #55-58 (“TERROR INCOGNITA”). As The White Martians return (resurrected by the 6th Dimensional Cathexis), using telepathy to mess with everyone on Earth. The JL defeats the White Martians, imprisoning them in the Phantom Zone.

–REFERENCE: In Deathstroke Vol. 4 #30. Alfred returns to his post, rejoining Bruce.

–REFERENCE: In Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2—originally told in Detective Comics #765 and the second feature to Detective Comics #770-772 (“JOSIE MAC: LOST VOICES”). Batman assists psychic GCPD detective Josie MacDonald, who is working a high-profile kidnapping case on behalf of the Anotelli family. When the heroes get too close for the kidnapper’s comfort, he kills Josie’s father and frames Two-Face for both the murder and the kidnapping. Batman and Josie eventually prove Two-Face’s innocence, revealing that the kidnapping plot had been orchestrated by the Anotelli family themselves.

–REFERENCE: In Black Lightning Vol. 3 #3 and DC Power: Rise of the Power Company #1 Part 1—originally told in The Power Company: Sapphire #1. The Justice League deals with fallout stemming from a civil war occurring within the ranks of the Kobra Cult. During the chaos, Kobra’s men steal an alien artifact, which accidentally turns a teenager named Candy Gennaro into a metahuman called Sapphire.

–REFERENCE: In Catwoman Vol. 5 #59 and Harley Quinn Vol. 4 #47—originally told in Catwoman Vol. 3 #1-4 (“ANODYNE”). Catwoman, who had recently faked her own death and went off the grid, makes a public return to Gotham City, reuniting with Holly Robinson and Batman in the process. Batman and Catwoman take down a debuting Clayface VIII (Todd Russell), who has become a new Clayface thanks to secret military/DEO testing.

–REFERENCE: In Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2—originally told in Gotham Central #1-5. Mr. Freeze attacks GCPD detectives Marcus Driver and Charlie Fields, killing the latter. Batman busts Mr. Freeze. Later, an angry Driver busts a fake Firebug (who has purchased gear from the real Firebug). Driver activates the Bat-Signal to tell Batman he doesn’t need vigilante assistance, to which Batman tells him to piss off and not waste his time.

–REFERENCE: In Stargirl: Spring Break Special #1 and Justice Society of America Vol. 4 #7—originally told in JSA #37. Ultra-Humanite puts all of planet Earth into a Matrix-like simulation. Ten-year-old Jakeem Thunder undoes the simulation and restores reality by merging Yz with elderly Johnny Thunder, turning his lightning djinn into “Johnny Thunderbolt.” Eventually, the JSA, JLA, and others (including Icicle Jr) join forces to defeat Ultra-Humanite.

–REFERENCE: In Batman: Urban Legends #4 Part 3–originally told in Robin Vol. 2 #121-123. Batman and Robin bust a few STAR Labs thieves, but some of their crew make off with magickal artifacts. The next day, Tim befriends his schoolmates Bernard Dowd and Darla Aquista (daughter of mobster Henry Aquista). Concurrently, smalltime crook Johnny Warren comes across one of the stolen artifacts, becoming the magickal super-villain Johnny Warlock. Robin defeats Warlock solo.

–REFERENCE: In DC’s How to Lose a Guy Gardner in Ten Days #1 Part 6—originally told in JLA #65. On Plastic Man’s behalf, Batman helps young stretchy metahuman Luke McDunnagh escape a life of gang-related crime in Chicago. In the process, Batman discovers that Luke is Plastic Man’s son with longtime on-again-off-again partner Angel McDunnagh.

–REFERENCE: In Black Lightning Vol. 3 #3—originally told in Power Company #15. Batman becomes aware of the superhero-for-hire team known as the Power Company, which consists of  Josiah Power, Manhunter (Kirk DePaul), Carl Bork, Sapphire, Firestorm, SkyrocketStriker Z, Witchfire, Garrison Slate, Charlie Lau, and Silver Shannon. DePaul fights Batman, earning his respect.

–REFERENCE: In Batgirls #10—originally told in Batman: Family #1-8. One of Bruce’s mother’s ex-friends, Celia Kazantzakis, manipulates her way to the top of the Board of Directors at Wayne Enterprises. Secretly, Kazantzakis is the head of a new super-villain group that includes Suicide King, Bugg, The Technician, Dr. Excess, Mr. Fun, and Freeway. The Bat-Family defeats this motley crew, exposing Kazantzakis, who tenders her resignation.

–REFERENCE: In Justice League Dark Vol. 2 #9—originally told in “DEAD RECKONING.” Batman meets with supernatural detective Mark Merlin (aka Prince Ra-Man of the Lords of Order) to get help with solving a cold case involving Paul Sloan, an actor that once worked as a stand-in for Two-Face. Now debuting as “The Charlatan,” Sloan tries to kill a bunch of his old acquaintances, including Two-Face. Batman reluctantly teams-up with Two-Face to bust the Charlatan.

–REFERENCE: In Batman: One Bad Day – Two-Face #1 and GCPD: The Blue Wall #2—originally told in Gotham Central #6-10 (“HALF A LIFE”). Renee Montoya is outed as a lesbian and framed for murder by Two-Face, who has fallen in love with Renee and horribly believes that ruining her life will force her to turn to him for affection. Batman finds out what’s going on and kicks Two-Face’s ass, exonerating Renee in the process. Renee, however, is shaken to her core and becomes an alcoholic.

–REFERENCE: In DC All In Special #1—originally told in JLA/JSA Secret Files #1 Part 1.
Metamorpho is resurrected by the Orb of Ra. The Justice League and Justice Society of America celebrate Metamorpho’s return together.

–REFERENCE: In Catwoman Vol. 5 #32—originally told in Catwoman Vol. 3 #13-16. Catwoman robs Black Mask, earning his wrath. Black Mask joins forces with the Alleytown Kids (aka Alleytown Strays), a gang that Selina was a part of when she was a teenager. Black Mask and Sylvia Sinclair (leader of the Alleytown Kids) kidnap Selina’s sister Maggie, Maggie’s husband Simon Burton, and Holly Robinson. Black Mask tortures and murders Simon in front of Maggie. Catwoman rescues Holly and Maggie, but Maggie has been psychologically broken. Holly shoots Sylvia dead. An enraged Catwoman fights Black Mask, allowing him to fall to his apparent death. (Of course, Black Mask isn’t really dead, and we’ll see him again eventually.)

–REFERENCE: In Adventures of the Super Sons #8 and Nightwing Vol. 4 #68—originally told in Nightwing Vol. 2 #75. Batman and Nightwing investigate the corrupt Mayor Avers (the top elected official of Blüdhaven). In Blüdhaven, Nightwing meets the city’s new vigilante superhero Tarantula (Catalina Flores).

–REFERENCE: In Flash Vol. 5 #21—originally told in JLA/Avengers. Maltusian super-scientist Krona begins destroying planets. Soon, several beings from the DCU inexplicably crossover to Marvel’s Universe-616 and vice-versa. (Universe-616 is home to Earth-616, which is Marvel’s primary Earth.) The Universe-616 cosmic entity known as The Grandmaster materializes on the Watchtower and explains the only way to save the omniverse is to collect 12 items of power, spread across Universe-0 and Universe-616. After the Justice League tours Earth-616, they confront Earth-616’s primary superhero team known as The Avengers (Captain America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, Thor, Ms. Marvel, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Vision, Wasp, Yellowjacket, Quasar, Jack Hart, and Triathalon). Both teams throw down in Earth-0’s Metropolis, but they soon realize they are on the same side and begin collecting the needed items. Eventually, it is revealed that the Grandmaster, Krona, and Metron have been scheming together. Krona gathers the items of power and alters reality dramatically. The heroes of two universes join once more in a realm between universes to defeat Krona, trapping him in a Cosmic Egg, which is then stored for safekeeping in the Watchtower. The JL bids the Avengers farewell and the two teams return to their respective universes. The Spectre (the spirit of Hal Jordan) undoes Krona’s damage.

–Wonder Woman: Black and Gold #1 Part 3
The JL—along with a visiting Cyborg, John Stewart, and Black Canary—meets on the Watchtower. In a particularly foul mood, Batman goes off on Wonder Woman, accusing her of of being an immortal god that could never understand what it means to be human. Wonder Woman shrugs off Batman’s unwarranted (and completely off base) attack. After all, Wonder Woman is the very best of humanity. Later, Diana visits the grave of a close friend, whom she first met during WWII.

–FLASHBACK: From Detective Comics #1040. Batman fights Joker, who wields a “Laughing Fish,” atop a pizza shop. Afterward, an injured Batman removes his cowl unaware that the scared unnamed pizza guy is watching him from the shadows.

–NOTE: In a reference in Young Justice Vol. 3 #5-6Young Justice Vol. 3 #11, Young Justice Vol. 3 #15, Dark Nights: Death Metal – The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1 Part 1, Suicide Squad Vol. 7 #3, Teen Titans Academy #11, and Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2—originally told in Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1-3, Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #3, and Teen Titans Vol. 3 #1. Young Justice now includes new-ish members Snapper Carr (a team mentor), the Ray (Ray Terrill), Slobo (a clone of Lobo), Super-Cycle (a sentient car from New Genesis), and Traya Sutton-Smith (a team mascot). Spoiler (Cluemaster’s daughter Stephanie Brown) and Lagoon Boy are both close associates/unofficial members of the team. Young Justice successfully handles Indigo (Brainiac 8), but they are unable to prevent the latter from murdering Donna Troy. (It’s highly possible that Indigo had secret assistance from Dark Opal, a resident of Gemworld, which is a kingdom in the realm of Faerie.) A sad funeral is held, after which Young Justice permanently disbands. In the aftermath of the breakup, Robin forms a brand new Teen Titans with Cyborg (who is the elder at age twenty-two going on twenty-three), Superboy (Conner Kent), Starfire, Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark), Impulse, and Beast Boy. (Garfield Logan has ditched the name “Changeling” and returned to his original moniker.) This version of the Teen Titans will continue with a rotating lineup until the end of next year before disbanding.

–REFERENCE: In Wonder Woman/Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour #1, Wonder Woman Vol. 5 #56, and Action Comics #1082—originally told in JLA #66-67 (“THE DESTROYERS”) and JLA #68-76 (“THE OBSIDIAN AGE”). The Justice League fights a pair of time-traveling warriors from 1000 BCE—an Aztec war machine known as Tezumak and Native American shaman-warrior Manitou Raven. Upon defeating the time-travelers, a bombed-out Atlantis (devoid of people) reappears. (Atlantis had been lost in time ever since the Imperiex War.) With the rest of the superhero community pitching in to defend the present, the JL travels to 1000 BCE to rescue the Atlanteans, who have been enslaved by their ancient kin, worshippers of the sorceress Gamemnae. In the year 1000 BCE, Gamemnae’s warriors—Tezumak, Manitou Raven, and The Anointed One—kill the JL. Kyle Rayner’s power ring fail-safe kicks-in and sends the spirits of the deceased JLers back to present day. Gamemnae and Manitou Raven then travel to present day and fight the gathered superhero community, led by Nightwing. The spirits of the JL enter their now-emaciated corpses, which turn into JL-zombies. After Gamemnae is tricked in to resurrecting the entire JL back to life, Manitou Raven betrays Gamemnae and drags her back with him to 1000 BCE. There, Aquaman and Manitou Raven defeat Gamemnae. Zatanna uses her magick to pull Atlantis (along with all its people, Aquaman, and Manitou Raven) back to present day. Afterward, J’onn, Kyle, and Plastic Man quit the JL. John Stewart joins the JL in replacement of Kyle. Manitou Raven, Faith, and Major Disaster also join the JL. (This is the second time Major Disaster has been reformed thanks to Superman’s direct involvement in his life.)

–REFERENCE: In Batman Vol. 3 #144. Former Interim Commissioner Matt McLeod is released from prison, after which he disappears. Batman takes note, but doesn’t make much of it.

–FLASHBACK: From Batwoman: Rebirth #1 and Batwoman Vol. 3 #6. Twenty-four-year-old Kate Kane (Bruce’s cousin) fights off a mugger and meets Batman. The encounter with the Caped Crusader inspires Kate to become a masked vigilante for the next few months. After that, Kate will go on a nearly-three-year training adventure all over the globe, after which she will become the new Batwoman.[2]

–Batman: Black and White Vol. 5 #2 Part 2
Winter. Batman chases after Catwoman—who wears one of her classic feline-eared costumes—after she steals a large diamond during a snowstorm. Batman retrieves the diamond, but lets Catwoman go free. Later, Catwoman tailors a camouflage white costume for the snow, steals back the diamond, and lures the Dark Knight into yet another chase. This time, their usual perky coquetry is afoot. A white Catwoman surprises Batman by playfully leaping on top of him.

–FLASHBACK: From Batman: Urban Legends #11 Part 1. As they have before, Batman and Zatanna perform an occult ritual to keep evil forces (which they accidentally almost released when they were teens) at bay.



<<< Rebirth Era Years 6-10 <<< ||| >>> Rebirth Era Year 12 >>>

  1. [1]COLLIN COLSHER: It is here that the DCU diverges from our reality in regard to the history of the Presidency of the United States of America. Luthor defeats Obama in 2012, denying him a second term in office. Luthor, following his inauguration as the 45th POTUS in early 2013, will only be Prez for a few months until his downfall, impeachment, and termination. VP Pete Ross will be sworn-in as the 46th POTUS, finishing out the term. The DCU then re-merges with our reality in terms of the Presidency as Donald Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election to become the 47th POTUS.

    I should also mention that, compared to the Rebirth Era, Luthor was President for a longer period of time in the Modern Age—major events such as the Imperiex War, “JLA/Avengers,” and “Obsidian Age” took place while he was Commander and Chief. Obviously, the Rebirth Era cannot and does not match the Modern Age exactly. As such, Luthor’s term in office doesn’t overlap with these items in the Rebirth Era. Although, while he isn’t yet President for the upcoming Imperiex War, “JLA/Avengers,” and “Obsidian Age,” Luthor has already won the election and will be President-Elect as they occur.

  2. [2]COLLIN COLSHER: Despite being published before “Superman Reborn,” 2017’s Batwoman: Rebirth #1 gives us the official post-“Superman Reborn” version of Batwoman’s past. Bear in mind, there are some errors (thanks to later Detective Comics retcons). Here is Batwoman’s timeline of key events:

    Age 7 – Kate’s mom is murdered. (Batwoman: Rebirth #1 says she is 12-years-old, but ‘tec #975 retcons this to the earlier age.)
    Age 20 – Kate is kicked out of West Point for being gay.
    Age 21-22 – Kate becomes a wild party girl abroad.
    Age 23 – Kate’s alcoholic “lost year.” She returns to Gotham.
    Age 24 – Kate meets Batman and sobers up.
    Age 24-27 – Kate trains.
    Age 27 – Kate debuts as Batwoman.

8 Responses to Rebirth Year Eleven

  1. Rob says:

    Hey Collin I’m confused about Kate Kane’s age. In year Year 11(2012) She’s 24, but in the Rebirth Salad Days section it says she was born in 1985.

    Wouldn’t that make her 28 in 2012? I know her Rebirth issue gave us an actual timeline of her life, so shouldn’t her birth year be 1988?

    • Hey Rob, yes another good catch! Kate and Beth’s birth should definitely be in 88, not 85! I will correct. Be aware that Batwoman: Rebirth says that the twins are 12-years-old when their mom dies, but Detective Comics #975 shows a younger Bruce attend the funeral, effectively retconning Gabi’s death to a handful of years prior. A such, not everything in Batwoman: Rebirth can be taken as gospel.

  2. Jason Fetterley says:

    Firestorm’s debut should be moved to precede Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #4.

  3. JDMA says:

    You have Luthor described as president-elect during Our Worlds at War, but have it before his election. I imagine it should bemoved right after it.

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