Modern Years 20-23



–Tweedledum dies; new Tweedledum debuts (r in Infinite Crisis #2 & ‘tec #841)
–Bruce befriends Ivan Boscovitch (r in Hawkgirl #52)
–Batman hates on Krypto (r in Superman/Batman #35)
–Bruce buys Ularoo Media, befriends Russell Corey (r in ‘tec #852)
–Oracle gives Batman journal pages (r in The Batman Files)
–Nightwing leaves Blüdhaven (r in Nightwing Vol. 2 #116)
——————–Superman Vol. 2 #207-208
——————–Superman Vol. 2 #210-215
–JLA Classified #16-21 (“HYPOTHETICAL WOMAN”)
–Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6
–John Stewart & Kyle Rayner begin substituting for each other in JLA (r in GL: Rebirth, JLA Classified #26, & JLA #119)
–JLA Classified #46
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 7
–Batman: Gotham Knights #60-65
–Batman learns new details about Two-Face’s childhood (r in The Batman Files)
–Rann-Thanagar War begins (Rann-Thanagar War #1)
–Dr. Light & Batman regain mind-wiped memories; Batman quits the JLA, activates Brother I (fb from 2nd ft to Countdown #43 / r in 2nd ft to 52 #9, Teen Titans Vol. 3 #21, Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1, & OMAC Project #2)
–Batman tells Superman about the mind-wipe scandal (r in JLA #117)
–debut of Wooden Nickel (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #39)
–DC Countdown #1
–Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1
–Outsiders Vol. 3 #21-22
–Superman fights an OMAC (Superman Vol. 2 #217)
–The OMAC Project #1-3 / fb from 2nd ft to 52 #10
–Adventures of Superman #641
–Superman beats up Batman (fb from Justice League: Generation Lost #1 & Power Girl Vol. 2 #13 / r in Adventures of Superman #642)
——————–Superman Vol. 2 #219
——————–Action Comics #829
——————–Adventures of Superman #642
——————–Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #219
–The OMAC Project #4-5
–Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #220
–Adventures of Superman #643 Conclusion
–The OMAC Project #6
–Catwoman Vol. 3 #39
–Batman #635-638 (“UNDER THE HOOD”)
–Batman Villains Secret Files and Origins 2005
–Catwoman & Onyx vs Killer Croc (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #43)
–Batman: Gotham Knights #66-72 / Catwoman Vol. 3 #44-45
–Catwoman Vol. 3 #47-48 (“THE ONE YOU LOVE”)
–debuts of Wayne Franklin & Amina Franklin, Bruce begins dating Amina (fb from Batman #659)
–Batman busts Mad Hatter (fb from Joker’s Asylum II: Mad Hatter)
–debut of Lazlo Rankin (r in Batman #698)
–Donna Troy resurrected (Return of Donna Troy #1-4)
–Darkseid’s soul falls backward 3 years in time from his death in Bat Year 22, Darkseid becomes Boss Dark Side (r in DCU #0 / Seven Soldiers / Grant Morrison interviews)
–Man-Bat Vol. 3 #1-5 (“THE RETURN”)
–Batman: Gotham Knights #73-74 (“PAYBACK”)
–Epilogue to Gotham Knights series; Hush escapes Joker (fb from ‘tec #849)
–Batman #639-641 / fb from 52 #30 & 2nd ft to 52 #10 (“FAMILY REUNION”)
–Blood of the Demon #2-5
–Birds of Prey #84-85
–Batgirl #63
–Batgirl #65
–Batman turns Gordon’s former home into alt Batcave (r in Batman #642)
–Batman #642 / fb from Detective Comics #808
–Killer Croc kills Dr. Bellezza (r in 2nd ft to Detective Comics #808-810)
–Batman Allies Secret Files and Origins 2005
–Batgirl & Shiva split Nyssa al Ghul’s League of Assassins into rival factions; Mr. Freeze temporarily revives Nora Fries (Batgirl #66-70) [overlaps with next bunch of items]
——————–Detective Comics #809
——————–Batman #643
——————–Detective Comics #810
——————–Batman #644
–The Outsiders Vol. 3 #27

–Batman #645-647
–Gotham Central #32
–Detective Comics #815-816 (“VICTIMS”)
–Gotham Central #33-36
–Birds of Prey #89-90
–Cassie killed by Mad Dog then revived by Lazarus Pit; Shiva killed by Cassie then revived by Lazarus Pit; Cassie quits being Batgirl (Batgirl #71-73)
–Green Lantern Vol. 4 #9
–Batman #644 Epilogue
–Batman upgrades utility belt (r in Batman #650)
–The OMAC Project #6 Epilogue
–JLA #119 Epilogue
–JLA #120
——————–Infinite Crisis #1 Part 1 / fb from 2nd ft to 52 #11
——————–Infinite Crisis #1 Part 7
——————–Infinite Crisis #1 Part 6
——————–JLA #121
——————–JLA #123
——————–Shazam dies; Rock of Eternity explodes; 7 Deadly Sins released;
——————Batman’s rogues run amok (Infinite Crisis #1 Part 5 & Gotham Central
/ r in JLA #124)
——————–JLA #124-125
——————–OMACs attack; center of universe shifts; prior timeline heroes leave
——————pocket universe (Infinite Crisis #1 Part 2, Infinite Crisis #1 Part 3, Infinite
——————Crisis #1
Part 4, & Infinite Crisis #1 Part 8)
——————–Infinite Crisis #2 / Gotham Central #38-40
——————–Infinite Crisis #3 / fb from 2nd ft to Countdown #42
–Catwoman Vol. 3 #51 Part 1
——————–Batman #648-649 / Catwoman Vol. 3 #51 Part 2 / Infinite Crisis #4 Intro
——————–Batman #650 / Catwoman Vol. 3 #52 Epilogue
–Infinite Crisis #4 Part 1
–Robin Vol. 2 #146
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #116-117
——————–Infinite Crisis #4 Part 2
——————–Infinite Crisis #5 / ff from Batman #650 Epilogue
——————–Batman & crew leave to fight Brother Eye (fb from Blue Beetle Vol. 7 #7)
——————–Early April. Infinite Crisis #6 / fb from 2nd ft to 52 #11 & Blue Beetle Vol.
——————7 #7
/ r in Dark Nights: Death Metal – Trinity Crisis #1
——————–Early April. Infinite Crisis #7 / The OMAC Project: Infinite Crisis Special
/ Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1 / fb from 52 #30
–re-creation of 52 universes; time-traveling Rip Hunter & Booster Gold trap Mr. Mind in time loop (52 #52)
–Bruce secretly keeps OMAC (r in Superman/Batman #36)
–Batman combs Black Mask’s former HQ (r in The Batman Files)
–Batman begins training Harvey Dent (fb from Batman #653)
–Infinite Crisis Aftermath: The Spectre #1
–Dr. Light & Merlyn destroy half of Star City (Green Arrow Vol. 3 #54-59)
–Bruce starts relief effort in Star City (r in Green Arrow Vol. 3 #69)
–Superman/Batman #26
–Batman tells Selina about former Earth-2 (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #76)
–Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 2)
–Nightwing Vol. 2 Annual #2 Part 1
–Lazarus Pit resurrection of Lynx (r in Robin Vol. 2 #148)
–Sasha Bordeaux becomes Black Queen of Checkmate (r in Checkmate Vol. 2 #1)
–Penguin moves back to Gotham, becomes #1 Crime Lord (r in ‘tec #819)
–Batman & Harvey Dent apprehend Mr. Freeze & Firebug (fb from Batman #653)
–Nightwing Vol. 2 Annual #2 Part 2
–Infinite Crisis #7 Epilogue / Nightwing Vol. 2 Annual #2 Epilogue / r in 2nd ft to Countdown #41
–52 #1 (“Week 1, Day 1” begins)
–52 #1 / fb from ‘tec #826 (“Week 1”:  Bruce, Tim, & Dick travel abroad)
— “Week 1”: Bruce asks Dick to take notes while he is gone (r in The Batman Files)
— “Week 2”: May 9. Bruce sends flowers to Dick on Flying Graysons’ death anniversary (r in Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne)
–52 #3 (“Week 3”: Black Adam kills Terra-Man)
–52 #3 (“Week 3”: Luthor exonerated, becomes head of LexCorp again)
–52 #5 (“Week 5”: Luthor begins “Everyman Project”)
–52 #11 (“Week 11”: Batwoman debuts)
— “Week 12”: GCPD corruption exposed (r in ‘tec #817)
— “Week 16”: Selina reveals that she is pregnant, Holly Robinson begins training (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #56)
— “Week 16”: death of Sam Bradley Jr. (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #62)
–52 #23 (“Week 23”: Chang Tzu kidnaps scientists on Oolong Island)
— “Week 24”: Harvey Bullock reinstated as detective (r in ‘tec #817)
–52 #25 (“Week 25”: Bruno Mannheim & Intergang take over Gotham crime)
–Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters #1 (“Week 25”:  Uncle Sam resurrected, reforms Freedom Fighters)
— “Week 26”: New unnamed Gotham mayor elected (r in 52 #26)
–Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters #2 (“Week 26”: Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard disguised as Henry Knight is elected POTUS)
— “Week 27”: Harvey Dent apprehends Poison Ivy (r in ‘tec #823)
“Week 30”: Late November. Bruce returns to honor parents (r in Batman #700)
–52 #30 / fb from Batman #673, Batman #683, Robin Vol. 2 #175 (“Week 30”: Bruce visits Ten-Eyed Brotherhood)
— “Week 32”: Ollie Queen elected mayor of Star City (r in 52 #32)
— “Week 33”: Bruce learns about Batwoman (r in The Batman Files)
— “Week 33”: Bruce & Dick invite Batwoman into Bat-Family (r in 52 #33)
–52 #33 (“Week 33”: Jim Gordon welcomed back to Gotham, starts smoking again)
–52 #34 (“Week 34”: New Year’s Eve “Everyman” disaster)



— “Week 35”:  Jim Gordon becomes Commissioner again (r in ‘tec #817)
–52 #38 (“Week 38”: Death of The Question)
–World War III #2 (“Week 38”: Sub Diego raised above sea level; Aquaman becomes the Dweller of the Depths)
–Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters #5 (“Week 38”: Meta-Union Act passed)
–Uncle Sam and The Freedom Fighters #8 (“Week 40”: Gonzo ousted; Jonathan Horne becomes POTUS for 2nd time)
— “Week 40”:  Bruce begins Thögal ritual (fb from Batman #673 & Robin Vol. 2 #175)
–52 #42 (“Week 42”: Death of Elongated Man)
— “Week 42”:  Nightwing & Robin travel through Europe (fb from Robin Vol. 2 #175)
— “Week 42”:  13 days in Thögal isolation, Bruce hallucinates (fb from Batman #673)
–52 #44 (“Week 44”: Four Horsemen debut, attack Kahndaq; death of Isis)
— “Week 44”:  Nightwing & Robin travel to Monte Carlo (fb from Robin Vol. 2 #175)
— “Week 44”:  27-30 days in Thögal isolation, Bruce hallucinates (fb from Batman #673 & Batman #683) / Bruce sees visions of future (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0 & The Return of Bruce Wayne)
–52 #45 (“Week 45”: Black Adam destroys Bialya)
–52 #46 (“Week 46”: Chang Tzu captures Black Adam)
— “Week 46”:  Nightwing & Robin travel to Hong Kong & Paris (fb from Robin Vol. 2 #176)
–52 #46 (“Week 46”: Luthor brought up on charges from “Everyman” disaster)
–52 #47 / fb from Batman #673 & Robin Vol. 2 #176 (“Week 47”: Thögal ritual ends)
— “Week 47”:  Bruce reveals that he has discovered the Zur-En-Arrh trigger word in his mind, creates post-hypnotic backup identity known as Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (fb from Batman #681)
–52 #48 (“Week 48”: Renee Montoya becomes The Question; Religion of Crime stabs Batwoman in the chest)
–52 #49 (“Week 49”: Black Adam escapes from Chang Tzu)
— “Week 49”:  Dick & Tim meet with Bruce in Budapest; Tim returns to Gotham (r in Robin Vol. 2 #148)
— “Week 50”: Dick moves to NYC (r in Nightwing Vol. 2 #118)
–52 #50 / World War III #1 (“Week 50”: World War III begins)
–World War III #1 (“Week 50”: Jason Todd becomes fake Nightwing in NYC)
–World War III #1-2 (“Week 50”: Harvey Dent vs Killer Croc)
–Robin Vol. 2 #148-151 (“ROBIN: ONE YEAR LATER”) (“Week 50”)
–52 #51 (“Week 51”: WWIII ends; Bruce attends war memorial service)
— “Week 52”: Penguin forced out of Gotham by Warren White (r in Batman #654)
–52 #52 (“Week 52”: Booster Gold & Rip Hunter time-travel back to end of Infinite Crisis, trap Mr. Mind in a time loop)
–Early May. Superman/Batman #27 (Power Girl dreams about a pre-Crisis memory)
–May 9. Bruce sends flowers to Dick on Flying Graysons’ death anniversary (r in Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne)
–Aquaman Vol. 6 #40 (AJ Curry becomes Aquaman)
–Coast City rebuilt (r in Green Lantern Vol. 4 #23-25)
——————–Detective Comics #817
——————–Batman #651
——————–‘tec #818 /  fb from ‘tec 844
——————–Batman #652
——————–Detective Comics #819
——————–Batman #653
——————–Detective Comics #820
——————–Batman #654
–Invincible #33
–Bruce & Clark discuss the reformation of the JLA; construction begins on new HQs (r in JLofA Vol. 2 #7)
–Batman meets Dr. Stavrides
–Batman watches Batwoman (r in The Batman Files)
–Supergirl Vol. 5 #9
–Donna Troy becomes Wonder Woman (r in Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #1-2)
–Firestorm The Nuclear Man Vol. 3 #25
——————–Catwoman Vol. 3 #53
——————–Catwoman Vol. 3 #55
–Dick defeats Jason (Nightwing Vol. 2 #118-122)
–Holly & Selina team-up as Catwomen (Catwoman Vol. 3 #58-62)
–Hawkgirl #52
–Batman stabbed by random thugs (r in Superman/Batman #28)
–Luthor bankrupted, ousted from LexCorp, fails in attempt to destroy Metropolis, flees to Gotham (Superman #650-653 / Action Comics #837-840)
–June. Supergirl Vol. 5 #5
–Superman/Batman #28-33 (“ENEMIES AMONG US”)
–debut of Karrie Bishop (r in ‘tec #822)
–Superman/Batman #34-36 (“METAL MEN”)
–Diana returns (r from Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2)
–Batman tells Diana about new gig at DMA (fb from Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2)
–Detective Comics #821
–Action Comics #842
——————–Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #2
——————–Wonder Woman Vol. 3 Annual #1
–Superman and Batman vs Vampires and Werewolves #1-6
–debut of Pandora (r in ‘tec #822)
–Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #51
–Detective Comics #822
–Batman starts scoping out specific rooftop (r in LOTDK #212)
–Robin Vol. 2 #152-155
–Robin Vol. 2 #159
–LOTDK #212-213
–Joker biography published (r in The Batman Files)
–Nightwing turns down offer to be in the new JLA (r in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1)
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #0-7 (“TORNADO’S PATH”)
–Robin Vol. 2 #161-163
–Flash Bart Allen joins JLA (r in Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1)
–Robin & Supergirl apprehend every Arkham inmate (fb from Superman/Batman #62)
–Killer Croc escapes Arkham (fb from Joker’s Asylum II: Killer Croc)
–The Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #27
–Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1 Part 1
–Green Arrow Vol. 3 #69-72 (“SEEING RED”)
–Geo-Force joins JLA (r in Justice League of America Vol. 2 #8)
–Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 2)
–Bruce has Spanish HQ built (r in Batman in Barcelona: Dragon’s Knight #1)
–Booster Gold Vol. 2 #1 Part 2
–The Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #29
–Martian Manhunter Vol. 3 #3-8 (“THE OTHERS AMONG US”)
–Batman updates Lefty Knox alias (r in Detective Comics #827)
–Detective Comics #823-824 / fb from 2nd ft to Countdown #37
–Teen Titans defeat Titans East; Cassie becomes good again, goes into hiding; Talia reclaims leadership of League of Assassins (Teen Titans Vol. 3 #44-46)
–Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #1
–Killer Croc returns to Arkham (fb from Joker’s Asylum II: Killer Croc)
–Detective Comics #825-826
–Joker uses Ivar Loxias identity (fb from ‘tec #834)
–Manhunter Vol. 3 #28
–Wonder Woman acquitted of Max Lord’s murder (Manhunter Vol. 3 #30)
–Batman begins using field recording tech (r in Superman and Batman versus Aliens and Predator #1)
–Superman and Batman vs Aliens and Predator #1-2
–Batman #659-662 (“GROTESK”)
–Charlie Gage-Radcliffe debuts (Birds of Prey #96-101)
–Detective Comics #827-832 / fb from 2nd ft to Countdown to Final Crisis #10
–Early September. Nightwing Vol. 2 #129
–Batman sets up safe houses (r in Titans Vol. 2 #1)
–DeShawn & Roxy debut (r in Batman #664)
–Bruce hangs with the Langstroms (r in Batman #655)
–Amanda Waller tricks Bane into starting civil war in Santa Prisca, recruits him into Suicide Squad (r in Checkmate Vol. 2 #11-12)
–debut of Chris Kent (r in Action Comics #844-845)
–Hawkgirl #59
–Detective Comics #833-834 (“TRUST”)
–Black Adam: The Dark Age #2-6
–Hawkgirl #63 
–Joker escapes from Arkham (r in Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #5)
–Joker sent back to Arkham (r in Countdown #51)
–death of Duela Dent; Countdown begins (Countdown #51)
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #7 Epilogue
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #8
——————–Countdown #50
——————–JSofA Vol. 3 #5 / ff from J S of A Vol. 3 #1
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #9
——————–Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #6
——————–JLofA Vol. 2 #10
–All Flash #1
–Detective Comics #841
–Holly Robinson goes into hiding (Catwoman Vol. 3 #68)
–Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #1-6 (“THE LORDS OF LUCK”)
–Wonder Woman arrested by DEO (Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #6-7)
——————–Amazons Attack #1-2 
——————–Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #8-9
——————–flashback from Catwoman Vol. 3 #69
–Countdown #43-42
——————–Wonder Woman Vol. 3 #10-12
——————–Amazons Attack #3-6
——————–Catwoman Vol. 3 #69
–Donna, Jason, & Kyle begin traveling through multiverse; Monitors debut (2nd ft to Countdown #49-38)
–Green Arrow Vol. 3 #75
–Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special Part 1
–Green Lantern Vol. 4 #15-17 (“WANTED: HAL JORDAN”)
–Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1
–Superman/Batman #37-42 (“TORMENT”)
——————–Checkmate Vol. 2 #15
——————–Outsiders Vol. 3 #49
–All Flash #1
–Robin Vol. 2 #164-167
–Blue Beetle Vol. 7 #17
–Detective Comics #835-836 (“ABSOLUTE TERROR”)
–Batman Confidential #44-48 (“BATMAN vs. THE UNDEAD”)
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #12
–Countdown #36
–Tweedledum fights Tweedledee (Detective Comics #841 Epilogue)
–Tweedledum & Tweedledee escape Arkham (r in Outsiders: 5 of a Kind)
–Captain Marvel becomes Shazam; Freddie Freeman begins “Trials of Shazam” (Trials of Shazam #1)
–Batman hears Suicide Squad kidnapping rumor (r in Outsiders Vol. 3 #50)
——————–Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Nightwing/Boomerang #1
——————–Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Katana/Shazam! #1
——————–Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Thunder/Manhunter #1
——————–Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Metamorpho/Aquaman #1
——————–Outsiders: Five of a Kind – Wonder Woman/Grace #1
——————–Outsiders Vol. 3 #50
–Superman/Batman #43-45
–Batman secretly stores Kryptonite (r in Superman/Batman #49)
–Batman busts off-world smugglers (r in Helmet of Fate: Detective Chimp #1)
–God-Killer kills Big Barda & Magnar (r in Death of the New Gods #1-2)
–Batman #655-658 / r in Batman #683 & The Batman Files (“BATMAN AND SON”)
–Batman #664-665 / fb from Batman #702 Part 4
–Batman consults Black Casebook, warns Gordon about 3rd substitute Batman (r in Batman #672)
–Batman #667-669
–Batman’s adventure on Mayhew’s Island ends (fb from Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0)
–Batman & Robin build new Batplane (r in Nightwing Vol. 2 #142)
–Late November. Batman leaves wreath on Crime Alley (r in Batman #700)
–Late November. JSA Classified #26
–Late November. Joker escapes jail, forms new Injustice League with Luthor & Cheetah (fb from JLofA Wedding Special #1)
–Late November. Batman Annual #26
–League of Assassins splits into 2 factions, one loyal to Talia, one loyal to the Sensei (r in Batman Annual #26)
–Superman & Batman discuss the results of their failed search for the “3rd Kryptonian” (r in Superman #668)
–Batgirl invited back into Bat-Family (r in Batgirl Vol. 2 #1)
–Countdown #34
–Catwoman watches Batman interrogate crook (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #79)
–Superman/Batman #46
——————–Justice League of America Wedding Special #1
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #13-15
–2nd ft to Justice League of America Vol. 2 #18
–Batman/Catwoman: Follow the Money #1
–Batman apprehends Scarecrow (r in Catwoman Vol. 3 #71)
–Catwoman Vol. 3 #71
–Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special Part 2 / Countdown #30
–Detective Comics #837
–Selina asks Bruce to set up an adoption for Helena (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #72)
–Teen Titans Vol. 3 #50-52 (“TITANS OF TOMORROW TODAY”)
–Titans Vol. 2 #1-2
–Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman #1
–Green Lantern Vol. 4 #24
–Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1
–Green Lantern Vol. 4 #25
–Selina gives up Helena for adoption (fb from Catwoman Vol. 3 #72)
–Superman #668
–Green Arrow and Black Canary #1
–Catwoman Vol. 3 #72
–The Flash Vol. 2 #233
–Supergirl Vol. 5 #23
–Superman/Batman #42 Epilogue
–Mxyzptlk exiles himself from Earth (Countdown to Final Crisis #23)
–Booster time-travels in failed attempt to stop Joker from paralyzing Babs (Booster Gold Vol. 2 #5)
–Captain Carrot and The Final Ark #3
–Gotham Underground #1-9
–Countdown to Final Crisis #20

–Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #1-3 / r in Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #40
–Batman appoints Batgirl as Outsiders 2nd-in-command (r in Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #10)
–Disguised J’onn captured by Suicide Squad (r in Salvation Run / JLofA Vol. 2 #19)
–Catwoman kidnapped by Suicide Squad (Catwoman Vol. 3 #74)
–Bane kicked out of Suicide Squad, sent to prison planet with Luthor, Catwoman, & J’onn (Salvation Run #2)
–Amanda Waller publicly confirms existence of prison planet (r in JLofA Vol. 2 #17-18)
–52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen #1-6
–Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #10-11 (“THY KINGDOM COME”)
——————–Batman #670
——————–Robin Vol. 2 #168
——————–Nightwing Vol. 2 #138
——————–Detective Comics #838
——————–Batman #671
——————–Robin Vol. 2 #169
——————–Nightwing Vol. 2 #139
——————–Detective Comics #839 / fb from 2nd ft to Countdown to FC #4
–The Sensei is resurrected / debut of Sasha Lo (fb from Batman #705 & Batman #707)
–Connor Hawke shot (Green Arrow and Black Canary #3)
–Connor Hawke rushed to hospital (Green Arrow and Black Canary #4 Part 1)
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #140
–Supergirl Vol. 5 #25
–Green Arrow and Black Canary #4 Part 2
–Robin Vol. 2 #170



–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #17-19 (“SANCTUARY”)
–Birds of Prey begin to deal with Silicon Syndicate (r in Birds of Prey #114-117)
–Jason Todd becomes Red Robin (Countdown to Final Crisis #14)
–DC Universe: Decisions #1-4
–Infinity Inc Vol. 2 #6
–Green Arrow and Black Canary #5
–Robin Vol. 2 #171
–Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #4-9
–Teen Titans Vol. 3 #56
–Detective Comics #842
–Checkmate Vol. 2 #24-25 (“CASTLING”)
–Blue Beetle Vol. 7 #25
–Zatanna re-joins JLA (r in ‘tec #843)
–Detective Comics #843-844
–Booster Gold #1000000
–Superman/Batman #47-49 (“K”)
–Superman/Batman #50
–Tales of the Unexpected Vol. 2 #4
–Wonder Woman, Batman, & Superman contemplate kicking Wally out of JLA (r in JLofA Vol. 2 #20)
–Super-villains return to Earth from prison planet; J’onn goes missing (Salvation Run #7)
–Action Comics #851
–Batman apprehends Mr. Polka-Dot (r in JLofA Vol. 2 #21)
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #21 Part 1
–Trinity #1-9
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #22-26 (“SECOND COMING”)
–Rann-Thanagar Holy War #1
–Martian Manhunter teaches JLA mind exercises (r in JLA #24)
–Tangent: Superman’s Reign #3-12
–Crime Doctor dies; new Crime Doctor debuts (r in The Batman Files & Manhunter Vol. 3 #32)
–Faces of Evil: Kobra #1
–Detective Comics #845
–Superman/Batman #51-52 (“LIL’ LEAGUERS”)
–Man-Bat re-unites with wife for 1st time since prison planet (r in Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #10)
–The Trials of Shazam! #12
–Superman/Batman #53-56 (“SUPER/BAT”)
–Superman/Batman #60-63
–Superman/Batman #65
–Batgirl Vol. 2 #1
–Martin Suarez wins Special Democratic Primary (r in Supergirl Vol. 5 #44)
–Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #9 Epilogue
–Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #10
–Batman returns to the Outsiders after fighting Bloodlines Parasite (r in Batgirl Vol. 2 #5)
–Batgirl Vol. 2 #5-6 (“REDEMPTION ROAD”)
–debut of Lee Cheng (r in Batman Confidential #36)
–Death of the New Gods #2
–God-Killer revealed; Darkseid defeats The Source; New Genesis merges with Apokolips (r in Death of the New Gods #8)
–Detective Comics #840
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #141-142
–Batman Confidential #36-39 (“BLACKHAWK DOWN”)
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #145 Part 1
–Ollie searches for Connor Hawke, questions Batman about Ra’s al Ghul (fb from GA and BC #8)
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #145 Part 2
–Batman questions Ra’s al Ghul regarding the missing Connor Hawke (r in GA and BC #11)
–Green Arrow and Black Canary #9-12
–Green Arrow and Black Canary #14
–Robin Vol. 2 #174
–Death of Darkseid (Countdown to Final Crisis #2)
–Action Comics #864-865
–Trinity #10-17
–Trinity #18-34 overlaps with next 3 items which take place in the past
–Batman, Superman, & Wonder Woman are teleported to ancient Earth-1 (r in Trinity #30)
–after centuries pass on Earth-1, Batman, Superman, & Wonder Woman becomes gods (r in Trinity #32-35)
–civil god war begins during Bronze Age on Earth-1, Holy Trinity exiles themselves to citadel where their memories begin to fade (fb from Trinity #37)
–Trinity #35-52
–Bruce starts dating Una Nemo (r in fb from Batman and Robin #18)
–Bruce reinitiates Victims Inc (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0)
–Batman reopens Flying Graysons case (r in Batman #691)
–Wednesday Comics #1-12
–Penguin tries to kill Bruce (fb from Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #13)
–Vixen: Return of the Lion #1
–Penguin tries to kill Bruce again (fb from Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #13)
–Vixen: Return of the Lion #3-5
–The Brave and The Bold Vol. 3 #13
–Booster & Goldstar time-travel to protect timeline (Booster Gold Vol. 2 #11-12)
–Booster time-travels to protect timeline (Booster Gold Vol. 2 #14)
–Batman Confidential #39 Epilogue
–Solo #1 Part 1
–Bruce dumps Una Nemo (r in fb from Batman and Robin #18)
–Jezebel Jet & Bruce become celebrity couple (r in Batman #672 & Catwoman Vol. 3 #81)
–Catwoman Vol. 3 #81-82 (“FINAL JEOPARDY”)
–Batman #672-674
–Darkseid’s soul falls backward in time to Bat Year 19 (DC Universe #0)
–Superman/Batman #78
–Superman/Batman #81-84 (“SORCERER KINGS”)
–Supergirl Vol. 5 #30
–Detective Comics #846-850 (“HEART OF HUSH”)
–Martin Suarez wins special US Presidential Election (r in Supergirl Vol. 5 #44)
–Jonathan Kent dies; city of Kandor restored; emergence of Kryptonians (Action Comics #870)
–Batman offers condolences to Superman (fb from JLofA Vol. 2 #31)
–Batman in Barcelona: Dragon’s Knight #1
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 4
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 6
–Secret Six Vol. 3 #1-2 (“UNHINGED”)
–Superman: New Krypton Special #1 / ff from JLofA Vol. 2 #0
–Windfall dies (Suicide Squad Vol. 3 #5-7)
–Batman makes flying Batmobile blueprint (r in Batman and Robin #1)
–Batman #675
–Flash Vol. 2 #246-247

–Bruce raids Jezebel’s hotel safe, discovers that she is evil (r in Batman #681)
–Batman meets with Spoiler (fb from Robin Vol. 2 #176)
–Bruce records messages for Bat-Family (fb from Robin Vol. 2 #176 / r in Batman and the Outsiders Special #1)
–Bruce plans for his death (r in Batman and the Outsiders Special #1)
–Bruce meets with Cassie (r from Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Batgirl #1)
–Bruce alters will to benefit Tim (fb from Red Robin #11)
–Batman chats about his obituary with Alfred (fb from Batman #683 / r in Batman #683)
–Batman #676-678 (“BATMAN RIP”)
–Bruce is photographed as the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (r in Robin Vol. 2 #176)
–Robin learns that Batman has “gone crazy” (Robin Vol. 2 #175-176)
–Batman #679-681 / r in The Batman Files / fb from Batman #683 (“BATMAN RIP” Conclusion)
–Salah Miandad dies; Order of Purity steals Suit of Sorrows; Batman missing for 24 hours (Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #11 / flashback from Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #12)
–Batman #701 Part 1
–Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #12
–Batman #701 Part 2 / fb from Batman #683
——————–Final Crisis #1 Part 2 / Batman #702 Part 1 / fb from Final Crisis:
——————Requiem #1

——————–Batman, Robin, & Nightwing hang out (fb from DC Universe: Last Will
——————and Testament #1
——————–J’onn sends posthumous telepathic message to friends (fb from Final
——————Crisis: Requiem #1
——————–Final Crisis #2 Part 1
——————–Final Crisis: Requiem #1
——————–Final Crisis #2
Part 2
–Spectre gives Dr. Light’s candle corpse to JLA (r in JLofA Vol. 2 #27)
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #27-28
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #30

——————–Final Crisis #2 Part 3 / Batman #702 Part 2 / r in Batman #683 & Batman
Part 2 / fb from Batman #683
–Evil Factory begins brain-mining Batman (r in Batman #682-683 &
——————Batman #702 Part 3)
——————–Batman is brain-mined for 25 days while the following issues occur:
——————Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #1-2
, Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds
, Final Crisis #3-4, Final Crisis #5 Part 1, & Final Crisis: Legion of 3
——————Worlds #2-5

——————–Batman #682-683 (“LAST RITES”) / Batman #702 Part 3
——————–Final Crisis #5 Part 2 / fb from Batman and Robin #8
——————–Final Crisis #6 / Batman #702 Part 4 / fb from Justice League Incarnate
, Batman Inc #0, & Justice League: Cry for Justice #1
—————    –Batman #686 / Batman #702 Part 5
—————    –Detective Comics #853
——————–Final Crisis #7
——————–Superman/Batman #76
Part 1 / Batman #702 Part 6 / fb from Batman
/ ff from Batman #673
——————–Final Crisis #7
Epilogue / Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 /
——————Batman #702 Part 7 / r in Batman #681
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 / Batman #702 Part 7 (Bruce in
——————38,000 BCE)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2 Part 1 (Bruce in 1640)
–Joker escapes Arkham & joins Silicon Syndicate; Birds of Prey defeat Silicon Syndicate; Oracle savagely beats Joker, who returns to Arkham (Birds of Prey #119-124)
–Selina steals Tommy Elliot’s money (Detective Comics #850 Epilogue)
–Hal & Barry visit Bruce’s grave (Blackest Night #0 Part 1)
–debut of new Anarky; gang war continues (Robin Vol. 2 #177-182) [overlaps with next 4 items]
–Batgirl forms Network; gang war ensues (Batman and The Outsiders Vol. 2 #13-14)
–metahuman corpses moved to Hall of Justice; gang war ensues (Nightwing Vol. 2 #151)
–Gang war ensues; Millicent Mayne & Gracchus debut (Detective Comics #851)
–Gang war ensues (Batman #684)
–Gang war ends (Robin Vol. 2 #182)
——————–Detective Comics #852
——————–Batman #685
–Batman and The Outsiders Special
–Robin Vol. 2 #183
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #152
–Joker poisons Arkham, inmates moved to Blackgate (r in Battle for Cowl – Arkham)
–Abraham Arlington debuts as Azrael (Azrael: Death’s Dark Knight #1 Part 1)
——————–Battle for the Cowl – Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead?
——————–Nightwing Vol. 2 #153 Part 1
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1 Part 1
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl – Arkham Asylum #1
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl – Man-Bat #1
——————–Azrael: Death’s Dark Knight #1 Part 2
——————–Azrael: Death’s Dark Knight #2-3
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl – Commissioner Gordon
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1 Part 2
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl – The Underground #1
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl – The Network #1
——————–Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3
–Kate Spencer becomes DA (fb from 2nd feature to Streets of Gotham #1)
–Mid July. Batman #687 Part 1
–Dick & Damian revamp the Bat-Bunker (r in The Batman Files)
–Kryptonians move to New Krypton (Superman #685)
–JLA in shambles; splinter group forms (JLofA Vol. 2 #31 / JL: Cry for Justice #1)
–Cassie Cain gives Batgirl costume to Stephanie Brown (fb from Batgirl Vol. 3 #1 / r in Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Batgirl #1)
–Nightwing Vol. 2 #153 Part 2
–Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3 Epilogue
–Damian becomes Robin, Tim angry (fb from Red Robin #1)
–Batman: Battle for the Cowl – Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive?
–Tim says goodbye to Stephanie (fb from Red Robin #2)
–Tim says goodbye to Cassie Sandsmark (fb from Red Robin #3)
–debut of Red Robin, Tim fights Dick (fb from Red Robin #4)
–Tim visits parents’ graves (fb from DCU Halloween Special 09)
–Tim leaves Gotham (fb from Red Robin #4)
–Booster time-travels to past to fix timestream (Booster Gold Vol. 2 #21-24)
–Booster Gold Vol. 2 #25
–Batman and Robin #1-3 (“BATMAN REBORN”)
–framing scenes from Batman #676 & Batman #681
–domino killings begin (r in Batman and Robin #10)
–Dick begins journaling as Batman (r in The Batman Files)
–August. Batman #687 Part 2
–Superman/Batman #76 Part 2
–Batman #688
–Batgirl Vol. 3 #1
–Batman: Streets of Gotham #1-2 (“BATMAN: REBORN”)
–Batman #689-691 (“LONG SHADOWS”)
–Superman/Batman #76 Part 3
–Boneblaster debuts (Gotham City Sirens #1 / fb from Gotham City Sirens #26)
–Broker debuts (Gotham City Sirens #2)
–Gotham City Sirens #3
–Sirens vs Gaggy disguised as Joker (Gotham City Sirens #4-6)
——————–Batman Annual #27
——————–Detective Comics Annual #11
–Azrael Vol. 2 #1
–Detective Comics #854-856
–Detective Comics #857-860 [overlaps with next 7 items]
–Tim’s search for Bruce continues (r in Red Robin #1-3)
–Red Robin #4 / r in Return of Bruce Wayne #3
–Vigilante Vol. 2 #10 
–DCU Halloween Special ’09 #1
–Batgirl Vol. 3 #5-7 (“CORE REQUIREMENTS”)
–Batman: Streets of Gotham #3-6
–Batman fights combat test soldier (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 2)
–Plastic Man & Red Tornado return to JLA (JLofA Vol. 2 #35)
–World’s Finest Vol. 2 #3-4
–AJ Curry steps down as Aquaman & disappears (r in Titans Vol. 2 #15)
–Titans Vol. 2 #15
–Late November. Batman #700
–Late November. Star City is bombed; Lian Harper dies; Roy Harper goes into coma (JL: Cry for Justice #5-7)
–Late November. Titans Vol. 2 #21
——————–Blackest Night #0 Part 2
——————–Blackest Night #1
——————–Blackest Night: Batman #1-3
——————–Blackest Night #2-3
——————–Superman/Batman #66-67
——————–Lynx helps Dynamic Duo (r in Red Robin #13)
——————–Blackest Night #4-7 / GL Vol. 4 #51 / BN: Titans #1
——————–Blackest Night #8
–Batman busts Dawson & Trick (fb from Superman 80-Page Giant 2010 #1)
–Justice League: Generation Lost #1-2 / Power Girl Vol. 2 #13
–Titans Vol. 2 #23 
——————–Justice League: Rise of Arsenal #1 / fb from JL: Rise and Fall Special
——————–Justice League: Rise and Fall Special #1 Part 1  
——————–2nd ft to Justice League: Rise and Fall Special #1
——————–JLofA Vol. 2 #41-42 / JL: Cry for Justice #7 Epilogue
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #43 Part 1
——————–Justice League: The Rise and Fall Special #1 Part 2
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #43 Part 2
——————–Green Arrow and Black Canary #32 Part 1
——————–Justice League: Rise of Arsenal #2-3
–Martin Suarez inaugurated as new POTUS (r in Supergirl Vol. 5 #44)
–Red Robin #6-8
–Sam Lane, Brainiac, & Lex Luthor attack New Krypton (Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #1)
–New Kryptonian Earthling War (Superman: War of the Supermen #1-4)
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #44-45 (BRIGHTEST DAY”)
–Titans: Villains For Hire #1
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #46
——————–Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #41
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #47
——————–Justice Society of America Vol. 3 #42
——————–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #48
–Green Arrow and Black Canary #32 Part 2
–Arkham Reborn #1
–Batman #692-694 / Arkham Reborn #2
–Arkham Reborn #3
–2nd ft to Batman: Streets of Gotham #7-8
–Batman #695-697 (“LIFE AFTER DEATH” Conclusion)
–Dick starts trophy room, teams with Supergirl vs Murder Maestro (r in JLofA Vol. 2 #49)
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #49
–Azrael Vol. 2 #4
–Nemesis: The Impostors #1-4
–Batman 80-Page Giant Vol. 2 #1
–Batman and Robin #4-6 (“REVENGE OF THE RED HOOD”)
–DC Holiday Special 2009 Part 1
–Batman and Robin #7-9 (“BLACKEST KNIGHT”)
–Batman #698-699 (“RIDDLE ME THIS”)
–DC Holiday Special 2009 Part 3
–Batman: Streets of Gotham #7-11
–Detective Comics #861-863 (“CUTTER”)
–Detective Comics #864-866
——————–2nd ft to Batman: Streets of Gotham #14
——————–Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
–Tommy Elliot (as Bruce Wayne) begins paroling criminals (r in Batman: Streets of Gotham #15)



——————–Detective Comics #867-868
——————–Detective Comics #869 Part 1
–Red Robin #9-10 / Batgirl Vol. 3 #8 [overlaps with previous “IMPOSTOR WARS” Pt. 1]
–Red Robin #11-15 / r in The Batman Files
–Justice League: Generation Lost #10
–Batman teams-up with Power Girl (fb from Power Girl Vol. 2 #16-17)
–Superman #700 Part 3
–Detective Comics #869 Part 1
–Alfred begins investigating Wayne Manor (r in Batman and Robin #10)
–Detective Comics #869 Part 1
–Batman: Streets of Gotham #12-13 (“CARPENTER’S TALE”)
–Superman/Batman #75 Part 5
–Detective Comics #869 Part 2
–DCU Halloween Special 2010 #1 Part 2
–Superman #702-703 (“GROUNDED”)
–Superman/Batman #77 
–Justice League of America Vol. 2 #50-53 (“OMEGA”)
–Detective Comics #869 Part 3
–JLA learns that Bruce is stuck in the past (r in Batman and Robin #10)
–Two-Face returns from injury (2nd ft to Batman: Streets of Gotham #16)
–Batman vs Riddler; Riddler goes straight (fb from Joker’s Asylum II: Riddler #1)
–Una Nemo survives shooting, learns of her condition (fb from Batman and Robin #18)
–Batman and Robin #10-12 (“BATMAN VS ROBIN”)
–Rip Hunter’s team begins looking for Bruce (ROBW #1) [overlaps with Batman and Robin #12]
–Rip’s team returns with time capsule & Bruce’s recording (r in ROBW #5 / fb in Batman #702)
–Rip Hunter’s search party lost (Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1-6)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2 Part 2 (Bruce in 1640s)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #3 (Bruce in 1718)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #4 / r in The Batman Files (Bruce in 1880s, leaps to 20th century)
–Bat-family learns the truth about Simon Hurt (r in Batman and Robin #15-16 / r in ROBW #5-6)
–Dick delivers the “cape & cowl relic” to Red Robin (r in Return of Bruce Wayne #5)
–Batman #703 
–Titans #28-30 (“FAMILY REUNIONS”)
——————–Detective Comics #869 Part 4
——————–Detective Comics #870
THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE Conclusion [these 5 bullets overlap with following 3 bullets]
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5 Part 1 (Bruce in 1970)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6 Part 1 (Bruce at Vanishing
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2 (Vanishing Point scene)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5 Part 2 (Bruce returns)
——————–Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6 Part 2 (Bruce triumphant)
——————–Hurt controls Gotham, poses as Bruce’s father (fb from BandR #13-15)
——————–Batman and Robin #13
——————–Batman and Robin #15
–Batman and Robin #15 Conclusion
–Batman and Robin #16 / r in The Batman Files
–Bruce delivers details of Batman Inc during meeting; Batman & Robin bust Treadwell; Lucius Fox unveils GI Robots (fb from Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0)
–Wonder Woman’s history is altered so that she is only becoming a hero now & nobody knows who she is (Wonder Woman #601)
–Bruce becomes The Insider, tests Dick & Damian (r in Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Batgirl #1)
–The Insider patrols with Red Robin (r in The Batman Files)
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Batman and Robin #1
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Red Robin #1
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Outsiders #1
——————–Batman: Streets of Gotham #14 Part 1
——————–Batman: Streets of Gotham #16
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Batgirl #1
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Catwoman #1
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Commissioner Gordon #1
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Oracle #1
——————–Bruce Wayne: The Road Home – Ra’s al Ghul #1
–Batman makes new yellow oval costume (r in Azrael Vol. 2 #14-16)
–Azrael Vol. 2 #14-16 / fb from Batman #708 (“THREE MYSTERIES”)
NOTE: Dick Grayson’s chronology continues separately from this point on! Follow along at the Dick Grayson Batman Chronology Quick List!
–Damian gives dad un-mailed letter from mom (r in The Batman Files)
–Batman: Streets of Gotham #17-20 (“HOUSE OF HUSH” Conclusion)
–debut of Rayhan Mazin (fb from Power Girl Vol. 2 #24)
–Batman heightens Penguin surveillance (r in The Batman Files)
–Batman: The Return #1
–Batman #704
–Bruce begins investigation into Kate Kane (r in Batwoman #0)
–Red Robin #17
–Brightest Day #14
–Bruce spies on Kate Kane – Day 4 (fb from Batwoman #0)
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2010 #1 Part 6
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2010 #1 Part 5
——————–Detective Comics Annual #12
——————–Batman Annual #28
——————–third feature to Batman Annual #28 Part 1
–Azrael Vol. 2 #17-18
–Batman Incorporated #1 Part 1
–Batman and Robin #18
–Batman Incorporated #1 Part 2
–Batman Incorporated #2
–Power Girl Vol. 2 #20
–Superman #710 

–Bruce spies on Kate Kane – Day 17-23 (fbfrom Batwoman #0)
–Power Girl Vol. 2 #21
–Justice League: Generation Lost #22-24
–Green Lantern Vol. 4 #62
–Brightest Day #21
–Batwoman #0 
–Dick completes Nightrunner’s training (r in JLofA Vol. 4 #55)
–Action Comics #900
–Action Comics #903 Part 3
–Action Comics #904
–third feature to Batman Annual #28 Epilogue
–Birds of Prey Vol. 2 #7-10 (“DEATH OF ORACLE!”)
–Batman Incorporated #3-5
–Batman #709
–Gotham City Sirens #23-26 (“FRIENDS”)
–Batman Incorporated #5 Epilogue
–Justice League: Generation Lost #24 Epilogue
–Secret Six Vol. 3 #36
–Batman: The Dark Knight #1-5 (“GOLDEN DAWN”)
–Outsiders Vol. 4 #39-40  
–Batman: The Dark Knight #5 Epilogue
–debut of Jade O’Keafe (r in Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 1)
–Batman opens new Batcave West (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #1)
–Batman Japan’s probationary period ends (fb from Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0)
–Bruce interviewed about Batman Inc (r in The Batman Files)
–Power Girl Vol. 2 #24-25 (“WE CAN BE HEROES”)
–Weird Worlds Vol. 2 #2
–Weird Worlds Vol. 2 #5

–Detective Comics #879
–Batman: Gates of Gotham #5
–Red Robin #23 
–Red Robin #25 Epilogue
–Wonder Woman #613-614
–Green Arrow Vol. 4 #14

–Justice League of America 80-Page Giant 2011 #1
–Batgirl Vol. 3 #22
–Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #13 
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 1
–Bat Boy Aaron Langstrom cured (r in Batman and Robin #21)
–May 9. Bruce sends flowers to Dick on Flying Graysons’ death anniversary (r in Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne)
–Batman and Robin #20
–Batman and Robin #23
–Batman Incorporated #6
–Gaucho meets the Outsiders (fb from Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0)
–Batman teams with Dark Ranger (fb from Batman Inc Vol. 2 #0)
–Batman Incorporated #7
–Batman, Man-of-Bats, & Raven vs Coyote (fb from Batman Inc Special #1)
–Batman goes undercover at St. Hadrians (fb from Batman Inc: Lev Strikes! #1, Ch. 1)
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 2
–Batman returns to St. Hadrians (fb from Batman Inc: Lev Strikes! #1, Ch. 1)
–Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Part 3
–Batman Incorporated #8
–Batman compiles scrapbook (r in The Batman Files)
–Batman Japan & Lolita Canary vs Lady Tiger Fist (fb from Batman Inc Vol. 2 #11)
–Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! #1 Chapter 1
–Red Robin #26
–Robin kills Nobody, gets Titus the dog (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #1)
–Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! #1 Chapter 2
–Dick becomes Nightwing again (r in Gates of Gotham #5 & JLofA Vol. 2 #60)
–Batman switches back to black symbol costume (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #1)
–Batman sends Steph, Babs, & Cass on assignment (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #1)
–Gordon begins dying hair again (r in Batman Inc Vol. 2 #3)
–Batman Incorporated Vol. 2 #1-13
–Batman Incorporated Special #1
–Damian resurrected (r in Convergence: Batman and Robin #1)
——————–fb from Flashpoint Vol. 2 #5
——————–Flashpoint Vol. 2 #1 / Flashpoint: The Outsider #1
——————–Flashpoint Vol. 2 #2-3
——————–Flashpoint Vol. 2 #4 Part 1
——————–Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #2-3
——————–Flashpoint Vol. 2 #4 Part 2 / Flashpoint: The Outsider #3
——————–Flashpoint Vol. 2 #5


<<< YEARS 16-19 <<< ||| >>> DICK GRAYSON AS BATMAN >>>

3 Responses to Modern Years 20-23

  1. Mike says:

    OK dumb question. All of the Joker’s Asylum stories are listed as flashbacks. Is there an actual point in the timeline these stories are being told “from”, where they’d be better read, or should each issue be read where the flashback occurs?

    • No such thing as a dumb question! I’d place all of his storytelling for the first series right around when the first issue came out—in Sept 2008, so in Y22. And since some of the flashbacks from the second series occur post-Y22, I’d place Joker’s storytelling for the follow-up series in Y23, sometime after Batman & Robin #16.

      • Mike says:

        Ah interesting. So it’s sort of a look back at past adventures from the villains’ side before we hit the final year. I like that. Thanks as always 😀

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