The Batman Chronology Video Project on YouTube (by Martín Lel)

I’m super excited to share site contributor Martín Lel’s amazing new video “An Exhaustive Look at the Current Batman Chronology,” which is a two-and-a-half-hour documentary version of Batman’s Rebirth/Infinite Frontier timeline lifted straight from the webpages of my Batman Chronology Project.

An Exhaustive Look at the Current Batman Chronology by Martín Lel

Martín has put each year of the Batman Chronology Project’s Rebirth/Infinite Frontier timeline (from Bruce’s birth through to his death) into a straightforward, easy to digest narrative. The video is a tremendous culmination of both Martín’s and my work, and I commend him highly for it, especially the personal flair and touches he’s added. While you never get as many nitty gritty details or scholarly analysis with video, seeing my website adapted into video format does give a certain type of depth that just can’t be attained via a text-based chronological list. After watching through for the first time, I told Martín that his video feels like Chris Tolworthy’s “Fantastic Four as the Great American Novel” theory but applied to Batman. The feature length video not only fleshes out Batman’s overarching story with a pleasing kaleidoscope of expertly edited comic book images, but its narration also highlights several important things that might get missed when one is eyeball-scanning through a long text-based timeline. First, it really impresses upon the viewer exactly how Batman’s trials and tribulations build and connect to each other over long periods of time. Second, it shows how Batman reacts to trauma, learns, grows, occasionally regresses, rebounds, and is generally shaped—again over long periods of time. Third, it shows how Batman’s family is at the heart of his every motivation—and not just the infamous deaths of his parents, but also his very own role as loving father to a handful of kids. As Martín told me, “I 100% believe all of Batman’s history can be read as one big character arc,” and this surely resonates in the video. In short, it’s damn cool to see the Batman Chronology Project play out in this manner.

Please tell us what you think by leaving a comment here and on YouTube. Thanks!


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About Collin Colsher

Collin Colsher, the creator of The Batman Chronology Project and disCONTINUITY, is a writer, filmmaker, teacher, and comic book historian that currently lives and works in Philadelphia. He has lectured at various universities, libraries, and book fairs. Collin has also served on the jury for the Lynd Ward Graphic Novel Prize, which is sponsored by the US Library of Congress.
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5 Responses to The Batman Chronology Video Project on YouTube (by Martín Lel)

  1. Martin Lel says:

    What a moving write up! Thanks, Collin.

  2. Antonio says:

    Yeah, phenomenal. The only problem I have with all of this is Martin’s pronunciation of Selina. 🙂 It’s not Sèlina, but Selìna, of course 🙂

  3. Dylan Hall says:

    Watching it tonight!
    So exciting!

  4. Jack James says:

    Just saw this and woah. Tho I wish he did one of the Pre-Flashpoint chronology too. I think out of all the continuities Batman has had that one is by far and away the most coherent and the easier to accomodate into a grand narrative. Lots of comments about how convoluted Rebirth’s chronology is and that’s true, but Pre-Flashpoint works extremely well.

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